Creating materials

  1. Select Basics > Material.
  2. Click the New icon.
  3. Specify this information:
    Material Number

    Specify the material number. The number must be unique.

    Two or more items cannot have the same number.

    Specify a name for your material.
    Specify a brief description.
    Main Category

    Select a main category from the list.

    You can create main categories in Generic Lookup.


    Select a category.

    You can define categories in Generic Lookup.

    Category Group

    Select a category group.

    You can define category groups in Generic Lookup.

    Material Type

    Select a material type from the list.

    You can define material types in Generic Lookup.


    Select a season.

    You can define seasons in Generic Lookup.


    Select a delivery type.

    You can define delivery types in Generic Lookup.

    Copied From
    Displays the source record if the material is a copy.

    Select a brand from the list.

    You can define brands in Generic Lookup.


    Select a division.

    You can define divisions in Generic Lookup.


    Select a unit of measure (UOM).

    You can define UOMs in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 1

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 2

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 3

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 4

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 5

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 6

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

    User Defined 7

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.


    Select In Concept, For Approval, Operational, Rejected, or any user-defined status.

  4. Specify additional information:

    Select a construction type from the list.

    You can define construction types in Generic Lookup.

    Note: For knits and woven materials, this field is automatically populated based on the details specified in the material's Construction tab.

    See Defining knit construction.

    See Defining woven construction.


    Select a finish type. You can multi-select or select all finish types for a specific material record. Click OK.

    To define a finish, see Defining knit construction.

    See also Defining woven construction.

    Width / Unit

    You can define units in Generic Lookup.

    Weight / Unit

    Specify the weight by typing a value in the field and select a unit from the list.

    You can define units in Generic Lookup.

    Repeat Height / Unit

    Specify the repeat height by typing a value in the field and select a unit from the list.

    You can define units in Generic Lookup.

    Note: You can modify the overview and construction of the Repeat Height field using the Report Designer.

    When you generate a material report, the updates you created using the Report Designer will also be reflected in the material record's Overview details.

    Repeat Width / Unit

    Specify the repeat width by typing a value in the field and select a unit from the list.

    You can define units in Generic Lookup.

    Note: You can modify the overview and construction of the Repeat Width field using the Report Designer.

    When you generate a material report, the updates you created using the Report Designer will also be reflected in the material record's Overview details.

    Critical Material

    Select the check box if the material is critical to a style.

    Chemical Warning

    Select the check box if the material contains chemicals that require extra care in handling.

    Item Type

    Select an item type.

    You can define item types in Generic Lookup.

    HTS Code

    Select an HTS code.

    You can define HTS codes in Generic Lookup.

    Specify the percentage of waste generated when producing the material.
  5. To specify the composition of the material, type a value in the percentage field and select a component type from the list.
    You can define components in Generic Lookup.
    Note: You can specify a layer for the components of your material. If you specify layers for a component, you must specify layers for all other components of your material. You can define layers in Generic Lookup.
  6. To add an image to the material, drag and drop an image from your local folder to the Images section of the Overview tab.
    Note: Original name of the attached image file is retained in the Images field and the Attachment destination folder.

    When saving images with file extensions .eps, .ai, .psd, .tga, and .wmf for Material Overview, two copies are created in Central file attachments folder. One is in .jpg format, the second one is in its original file type.

  7. Specify main sourcing information:
    Preferred / Main Supplier

    Select a supplier from the list.

    The available options are sourcing locations that you have assigned to the material.

    See Assigning characteristics to a trim.

    Preferred / Main Supplier Name
    Displays the name of the main supplier.
    Select a mill from the list.
    Select an agent from the list.
    Country of Origin
    Select a country of origin.
    Specify any certificate information that is applicable to the material.
    User Defined 3

    Can pertain to any information or detail.

    You can define this field in Generic Lookup.

  8. Specify additional sourcing information:
    Sample Min. Qty
    Specify the minimum quantity.
    Sample Price
    Specify the sample price.
    Unit of Measure
    Specify the unit of measure.
    Quote Date
    Select the quote date for the supplier.
    Purchase Price / Curr.
    Specify the purchase price and currency.
    Note: You can map a cost element to the purchase price.

    See Defining cost elements.

    Price Unit of Measure
    Specify the unit of measure for the price.
    Valid From Date

    Select the start date of the validity.

    Note: Valid To date is only set as a sourcing information. For instance, no validation will be done based on this date when this record is included in a Style BOM.
    Valid To Date

    Select the end date of validity.

    Note: Valid From date is only set as a sourcing information. For instance, no validation will be done based on this date when this record is included in a Style BOM.
    Min. Order Qty
    Specify the minimum order quantity.
    Min. Order Qty / Color
    Specify the minimum order quantity and color.
    Lead Time
    Specify the lead time.
    Supplier Item Number

    Specify the item number of the supplier.

    Note: Supplier item number can consist of up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
    Supplier Item Name

    Specify the item name of the supplier.

    Note: Supplier item name can consist of up to 255 alphanumeric characters.
  9. Specify this information:
    Displays colors that you have associated to the material.

    See Assigning colorways to a material .


    Displays files that you have attached to the material.

    To attach a file, click Attachments on the toolbar.

    Note: Original name of the attached file is retained in the Attachment field and the Attachment destination folder. When editing an attachment from an existing style record, there is no need to rename the file with edited values. You may resave the attached file with the original name.
    Specify the placement.
    Provide remarks or comments about the material.
    Free Field 1
    Specify any information in the free fields as additional information.
    Free Field 2
    Specify any information in the free fields as additional information.
    Date Field 1
    To add dates to the notes, select the dates from the Date fields.
    Date Field 2
    To add dates to the notes, select the dates from the Date fields.
  10. In the Miscellaneous Information section, specify if the material is a template item by selecting Yes or No.
    Note: A template item only serves as a basis for creating materials. It cannot be used and treated as an actual material.
  11. Specify ownership information and main responsibilities:
    Note: If a user is assigned as an owner and the same user is set to inactive status on the Manager users module, the name of the user will still be displayed on the material record unless the ownership fields of the record is edited. You can edit ownership information either on the material details page or on the Material panel. If you edit the ownership information on the Material panel, changes are automatically saved unless you press Esc on your keyboard.

    See Managing users in PAH Online Help.

    Select a designer from the list.
    Select a colorist from the list.
    Raw Material Manager
    Select a raw material manager from the list.
    Select a user profile from the list.
    Creation Date
    Displays the date and time when the material was created.
    Changed Date
    Displays the date and time when the material was last modified.
    Changed By
    Displays the user profile that last modified the material.
  12. Click Save or Save and Close.