Following up on styles

You can follow up on the progress in developing styles by using critical paths. Identifying the critical path for a style enables you to monitor the status of activities related to its development and track deadlines.

  1. From the main menu, open the Style and Critical Path panels.
    Dock one panel to any side of the main window.
  2. Drag and drop critical paths to a style record.
  3. To verify that the critical path has been associated to the style, select the style record and click the Style/Follow Up icon on the sidebar.
    In the Style/Follow Up pane, you can view the critical paths, together with their associated milestones, activity lists, and activities.

    You can also scroll into the Style panel, to view the Critical Path column for a style record.

    To remove a critical path from a style, right-click the critical path on the Style/Follow Up pane and select Delete or press Delete on your keyboard.