Restore archived record from backup database to core database

You can restore archived records from backup database to core database by executing the script file from the patch installation folder.

  1. From the Patch installation package folder, open the Infor Fashion PLM x.x.x.x – CS Script subfolder, where x.x.x.x is the latest version, and copy the file RestoreArchivedStyle.script.cs.
  2. Paste the copied script file on the Assembly Area of the latest Installation folder.
  3. Access and execute the script on the application’s script builder under Admin > Tools > Script.
  4. In the Restore Archived Style Record dialog box, specify the Style ID of the record to be restored, and click OK.
    To find the proper style ID, execute database queries based on style name or style code.
    Note: Once restoring has been completed, restored style records will be available on Admin > Manage Archived Records.

    To manage and restore records from the application, see Managing archived records.