Defining woven construction

  1. On the material details page, click the Construction tab.
  2. Specify construction details:
    Displays Woven as the material category.
    Category Group

    Select a category group.

    If you have already defined the category group on the Overview tab, this field displays that value.

    You can define category groups in Generic Lookup.

    Warp Count
    Specify the warp count in the woven construction.
    Yarn Type
    Specify the yarn type for the warp.
    Weft Count
    Specify the weft count in the woven construction.
    Yarn Type
    Specify the yarn type for the weft.
    Shrinkage Length
    Specify a value for the shrinkage length.
    Shrinkage Width
    Specify a value for the shrinkage width.
    Width / Unit

    Specify a value in the width field and the unit used.

    If you have already defined the width/unit in the Overview tab, this field displays that value.

    Cuttable Width

    Specify a value in the cuttable width field and the unit used.

    You can define cuttable width units in Generic Lookup.

    Weight / Unit

    Specify a value for the weight and specify the unit used.

    If you have already defined the weight/unit in the Overview tab, this field displays that value.

    Before Wash Net Weight
    Specify a value and specify the unit used.
    After Wash Net Weight
    Specify a value and specify the unit used.
    Repeat Height/Unit
    Specify a value and specify the unit used.
    Repeat Width/Unit
    Specify a value and specify the unit used.

    Displays the construction type that you specified on the Overview tab.


    Displays the components and their corresponding percentage in the material.

    Composition is defined in the Overview tab.

    Displays the responsible user profile that you specify in the Overview tab.
    Creation Date
    Displays the date and time when the material was created.
    Changed Date
    Displays the date and time when the material was last modified.
    Changed By
    Displays the user profile that last modified the material.
  3. In the Finish section, select a finish type from the list.

    You can define finish types in Generic Lookup.

    You can also select Click here to add a new row to create a finish type.
  4. Specify this information:
    Finish Type

    Select a finish type.

    You can define finish types in Generic Lookup.

    Work Center
    Specify a work center.
    Time Estimate
    Specify the time estimate to complete the finish.
    Specify the unit of measure.
    Type a value to specify the cost.
    Specify the currency.
  5. Click Save.