Define unit details

Note: This task only applies to entity units and file units.
  1. Select a worker.
  2. In the Unit Details section, specify this information:
    For entity units, select the data source of the input.

    For file units, specify the folder path where the XML files are located.

    Note: This field only applies to entity units and file units.
    Connection String
    Specify the database connection to be used.
    Note: This field only applies to entity units.
    Token Field
    Select the token field.
    Note: This field only applies to entity units.
    Specify the file name prefix of the XML files.
    Specify the file name suffix of the XML files.
  3. To add conditions for entity units, specify this information:
    This field is automatically updated.

    Select an entity. Available options depend on the database connection string that you specified.

    Specify a value.