Managing integration sets

In the Connector Toolbox, you can manage multiple integration sets, which gives you the flexibility to manage integration of Infor Fashion PLM with multiple platforms. By using the Manage Integration Sets module of Connector Toolbox, you can create, copy, or delete an integration set, set an integration set to production, and start or stop workers for an integration set.

  1. In the navigation pane, select Integration Sets > Manage Integration Sets.

    A default integration set is available on the Files section. This represents the current integration flow that is available in the Connector Toolbox. By default, this integration set is set to production and is set to running state.

    The Preview section displays a list of integration flows and workers that are available for the selected integration set.

  2. Optionally, click an integration flow on the Integration Flows section to view all associated integration flow tasks.
  3. To create a new integration set, click New Integration Set.
    To create a copy of an existing integration set, right-click an integration set and select Copy.
  4. Specify an integration set name.
    Note: The name must only contain alphanumeric characters.
  5. Click Create.