Sending a document to be signed

  1. Select the documents to be sent for signature.
  2. Click Signature.
  3. Log in.

    If you are not logged into the document signature application, a window is displayed to log in.

    If you are already logged into the document signature application, the Send Document for Signature dialog box is displayed.

  4. Optionally, select a template.
    You can create templates in the document signature application and select one from here.
  5. Add recipients.
    1. Specify the name and email address of the persons that should receive the document.
    2. Click Add Recipient to add each person to the list.
  6. Add the subject and message.
  7. Click Send.
  8. Optionally, select Edit Envelope.

    If this check box is selected, you can customize the signature fields of the document, namely, where each recipient should sign within the document. An external window is displayed for the respective envelope. You can then add or customize fields before sending.

    Click Send to finish. The envelope is sent for signature to the designated recipients.