Document Properties

This panel shows the properties of the document you are working on. Some of these properties are locked and are only displayed for information.

These fields are locked, and are filled in if this document is being edited by someone other than who created it:

Document Title
The ORIGINAL document title.
Document Author
The ORIGINAL document author.
Original Source Data XML
These fields can be edited according to the user preference for the layout:
Generate PDF font mode
This is to ensure that the fonts you used are supported on other systems.
Allowed values:
  • None

    Generate the PDF with no accompanying fonts.

  • Subset

    Generate the PDF with the fonts that you used. This value is recommended.

  • Full

    Generate the PDF with all supported fonts.

Use embedded font recommendation
If this check box is selected, TrueType fonts and common system fonts are embedded in the Word document.

If TrueType fonts are embedded, other users can view a document with the same fonts that were used to create the document.

Embedding common system fonts is useful, for example, if you are on an East Asian system. This way you can create a document that is readable by others who do not have fonts for East Asian languages on their system. For example, suppose you are on a Japanese system, and the common system fonts are embedded in a document. Then the Japanese document is readable on all systems.

Use Html
A template can contain rich text formatting. Rich text may include, among other things, different fonts, different font colors, highlighted text, and bold text.
If this check box is selected, the rich text formatting of the template is applied when the document is generated.
If this check box is cleared, the rich text formatting of the template is ignored when the document is generated.
Update TOC
A template can contain a table of contents (TOC).
Note: Select this check box only if these prerequisites are met:
  • The template contains a table of contents.
  • The template contains headings and subheadings provided by Microsoft Word.

If this check box is selected, the table of contents, as defined in the template, is dynamically generated when the document is generated or assembled.

If this check box is cleared, no table of contents is added when the document is generated or assembled.

Output format
Follows the {"outputformat":{"value":"<VALUE>"}} format.
Valid values include:
  • PDF
  • PDFA
Paper Size
Follows the {"papersize":{"value":"<VALUE>"}} format.
Valid values include:
  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • B4
  • B5
  • PAPER_10_X_14
  • PAPER_11_X_17
Follows the {"orientation":{"value":"<VALUE>"}} format.

Valid values include:


Follows this format:

{"watermarks":[{"field1a":"VALUE1a","field1b":"VALUE1b","field1c":"VALUE1c","field1d":"VALUE1d",...} , {"field2a":"VALUE2a","field2b":"VALUE2b","field2c":"VALUE2c","field2d":"VALUE2d",...},... ]} .

You can add multiple watermarks. This table shows some of the valid fields and their values:
Field Value Description
xpath XPath An XPath from your content source; the only required value.
color "red": x, "green": y, "blue": z Where x, y, and z are numbers from 0-255 that signify the saturations of red, green, and blue.
fontSize Any positive integer Specifies how big the text is.
fontFamily The name of a font The font of the text
textRotation 0-360 The degree to which the text is rotated
These are examples of valid watermark inputs:
  • {"watermarks":[{"xpath":"/M3OutDocument/Watermark/@Label","color": {"red": 192, "green": 0, "blue": 0},"fontSize": 60,"fontFamily": "Times new roman","textRotation": -35},{"text":"DRAFT","textRotation":0}]}
  • {"watermarks":[{"text":"TEST","color": {"red": 192, "green": 0, "blue": 0},"fontSize": 60,"fontFamily": "Times new roman","textRotation": -35},{"text":"DRAFT","textRotation":0}]}