Data File

Use the Data File panel to import the data XML that is being used to create this template. After the data XML is imported into this panel, the Content Source panel shows each content control that can be added into the template.

To insert a content control, right-click your desired field in the content source, and choose the format in which you want to specify the content:

  • Plain Text
  • Rich Text
  • Image/Barcode
  • Repeating section

If you specify one of the above types in the Drop As bar, you can also drag and drop the content control.

To search for content controls you require, use the top bar of the Data File panel.

Repeating sections are for tabular data that follows the same format multiple times. Create the column headers for the table in Word. Then insert a repeating section around it by highlighting the row and inserting a content control. You can specify content controls within the repeating sections for each column. This ensures that the data in the table repeats for as long as the data exists in that format.