Item (Java class ItemTarget)

Stores documents in IDM. Files of type pid, xquery, and template are ignored and are not stored back to IDM.

Attribute name Value Type Description
type "item" string The target object type.
itemdatafile DataFile object Data file object containing a base64-encoded item xml.


Example: ["Myfile.pdf", "AnotherFile.pdf"]

array of string

List of file names to be included to the target. In this case, the files are stored in IDM.

If include is omitted or null, then all generated files are stored.

If some of the generated documents should not be included to the target, then the include list must only contain the names of the generated documents that should be added to IDM.

Note that HTML files cannot be stored in IDM. If any HTML document has been generated, then use this attribute to specify only those files that should be stored in IDM.

Available from 12.0.24.

This is an example of this target type in JSon:

  "type": "item",
  "itemdatafile": {
     "type": "data",
     "base64": "sdfdsf=",
     "filename": "MyItem.xml"