Database security users and role mappings updates (21937)

The database security users and role mappings for Consolidator and Viewer have been updated and are provided here. Information is provided for the ICCViewer user for the Mongoose database and for these users for the Consolidator database:

  • InstallUser
  • ServiceUser
  • Cloverleaf

During the installation process, after the database is installed, verify that the security users and role mappings are accurate per the information shown in these tables for your appropriate username and use case.

Username: InstallUser - Consolidator database

Use case - User Server role Database mapping Database mapping role membership Comments
Install - InstallUser Sysadmin (can remove if steps are followed to setup dbs ahead of time)







Sysadmin rights allows installer to set up user rights, mail profile.

If databases are created manually, db_owner is required; errors will be logged but will not block install (related to rights assignments that should have been created before install).

After install, InstallUser can be disabled.

Upgrade - InstallUser Sysadmin (can remove)






db_owner After upgrade, InstallUser can be disabled.

User: ServiceUser - Consolidator database

Use case - User Server role Database mapping Database mapping role membership Comments
Runtime - ServiceUser public ICC_AggregationServices public, serviceUserExec Disable InstallUser during runtime.
Runtime - ServiceUser public ICC_ProcessingQueues db_ddladmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter, public, serviceUserExec Disable InstallUser during runtime.
Runtime - ServiceUser public ICC_Trace public, serviceUserExec Disable InstallUser during runtime.
Runtime - ServiceUser public ICC_DocRepository db_ddladmin, db_datareader, db_datawriter, public, serviceUserExec Disable InstallUser during runtime.
Runtime - ServiceUser public MitreConnect Public Disable InstallUser during runtime.

User: Cloverleaf - Consolidator database

Use case - User Server role Database mapping Database mapping role membership
Runtime - Cloverleaf public MitreConnect db_datareader, db_datawriter, public

User: ICCViewer - Mongoose database

Use case - User Server role Database mapping Database mapping role membership
Install Mongoose Iso Image - ICCViewer Sysadmin (can remove if steps are followed to setup dbs ahead of time) Mongoose_All db_owner
Install Viewer (Patch) - IccViewer Sysadmin (can remove if steps are followed to setup dbs ahead of time) Mongoose_All db_owner
Upgrade Viewer (Patch) - ICCViewer public Mongoose_All db_owner
Runtime - ICCViewer public Mongoose_All db_owner