Configuring population case form
The case form is configured separately for each population. Case configuration comprises four forms, each represented by a tab:
Instructions: Specify instructions that are displayed at the top of the case form when a new case is opened. If you prefer to have no instructions, leave this blank.
Standard Fields: Specify the standard fields to hide or show and for some fields to make editable and required. You can set default values for some standard fields. By default, these fields are shown. The headings correspond to the panel names on the case form where these fields are located.
Custom Fields: Configure additional fields that are displayed only to service center users. You can configure up to 24 custom fields. These fields are shown in the Additional Information panel on the case form that is associated with the population. A designated number of checkboxes, dates, dropdowns and text fields are configurable. Some fields can be configured to have default values. Some can be configured to be required. By default, custom fields are shown on the case form. To discontinue using a field, set it to hide. Some special characters are not supported in Labels. You can add one read-only, system user field to the header of a case form. The available fields are shown in the list on the field configuration form. The fields are organized by column, indicating the column on the case form where the field is displayed. The display order within columns is determined by the position of the field in the configuration form. You can specify the label.
Drop-down Values: You can add and configure options for each menu list that you add to the Custom Fields form. Before an option can be added, a menu list must be created in the Custom Fields form. Values for the list items that display in the menu list are configured in the Drop-down Values form.