Configuring the case sharing method

Administrators can specify the method by which cases are shared through Ask HR For HR. Changes to this setting affect only cases that were created after the change. For example, if a case was created when the setting was Always, then that case is always available for sharing. If a case was created when the setting was Never, then the case is never available for sharing.

  1. Log in as CMsetup administrator.
  2. Select Administration > Case Management Admin.
  3. Select Ask HR For HR > Properties.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify the method by which cases are shared:
    Table 1.
    Case by Case The field representative determines if the case is shared among other representatives who have access to the employee.
    Always Cases are always shared among other representatives who have access to the employee. The Shared field is hidden.
    Never Cases are never shared among representatives. The Shared field is hidden