Agent dashboard

The Agent Dashboard shows reports that show data for cases that are assigned to the agent, excluding archived cases. Agents can use the dashboard to view their case workloads and access relevant cases.

Some charts offer additional detailed reports. You can click one of these charts to view the detailed report. From the detailed report, you can open a case.

See General dashboard functions and Personalizing dashboards.

Report Description
My Case Backlog By Priority Shows the number of active, open cases currently assigned to the logged in agent, grouped by priority.
My Cases Survey Scores Shows each survey that was submitted in relation to the cases that the logged in user served, including survey scores comments. Agents can compare their scores to averages over the past six months. Employee identities are masked.

Data is expressed as a bar graph that shows the average survey score. Click on a bar to access the report that shows each survey that was submitted on behalf of the agent. To access responses to the questions, click on any score in the list. To view comments, hover over the Comments icon.

My Open Cases SLA

Shows the number of active, open cases currently assigned to the logged in agent, grouped by priority. Within each priority type, the number of cases that are on target, at risk, and missed are shown.

The SLA range is the difference between the case creation date and the configured SLA due date. This value is measured to the lowest level of granularity set for Topic, Category and Subcategory. For example, the SLA due date for a Subcategory supersedes the SLA due date for the category. The SLA due date for a category supersedes the SLA due date for the topic.

On Target: 26-100% of the SLA range.

At Risk: 1-25% of the SLA range.

Missed: The case has passed the SLA Due Date.

My Case Backlog By Topic Shows the number of active, open cases that are currently assigned to the logged in agent, grouped by topic.
My Survey Average Past 6 Months For organizations that use surveys. Shows the cases with completed surveys and that are assigned to the logged in agent.
My First Contact Resolution

Shows the percentage and number of closed, non-archived cases that meet these conditions:

  • they are assigned to the logged in agent
  • and they were resolved at first contact in accordance with the policy of the organization

Yes: Indicates cases were resolved at first contact.

No: Indicates cases were not resolved at first contact.

Undefined: Resolved cases where the First Contact Resolution setting was not utilized because an employee closed the case using a self-service module or because an agent had closed the case using the Active Cases report's bulk close feature.

You can view the number of cases, instead of percentage, by moving the mouse over a pie chart segment.

Requested Chats By Service Group This report organizes the number of requested chats by service group. Only service groups that are relevant to the agent are shown.
Requested Chats By Topic This report organizes the number of requested chats by topic. Only topics that are relevant to the agent are shown.
My Chat Acceptance Rate This report shows the percentage of chats that were available to the agent that the agent accepted.