Infor HR Case Management

Reports can be searched by multiple values of the same category

When filtering standard analytics and reports, users can select multiple values in these filter menu lists: topic, category, subcategory and service group. As with other reports, these can be exported. Search filters are available in individual analytics and reports.

This feature must be enabled. To enable, log in as an administrator, select Application Settings. In the Additional area of application settings, configure Multi-Select Filters.

Quick case report filtering

The new Quick Cases report was added. Users can search the report and return data for cases that were created using quick cases. The report is accessed in the Reports area of the application. Users select a quick case, and the report returns all cases that were generated by using that quick case.

This report must be enabled. To enable the report, select Administration > Knnowledgebase Admin > Documents > Library Management > . In the Library Management report search for Code =cm-rpt-r-quickcasesrpt. Select the document and assign groups to the report.