Uploading and tagging documents

When you upload a PDF, spreadsheet, or other file, you assign it to a primary landing page and to a section of the landing page, much like a content page is associated with a landing page. When you assign an uploaded document to a landing page, the uploaded document inherits meta tags that determine where on the site links to the document are shown to users. These tags determine the section of the primary landing page where the link is shown and any widgets or secondary pages where the link is shown.

The best practice is to use the preset meta tags so the links to the uploaded document are shown in logical areas of the site. If you want to add links to other areas, you can create new meta tags that specify additional locations.

The specification of link locations is a three-part process. First, you specify the landing page on which the primary link to the file resides. When you specify this page, the system adds pre-set meta tags to the file so that the link is displayed in the appropriate locations in navigation menus.

Second, you must use a meta tag to specify the section of the primary landing page where you want the link to be shown.

Third, if you want a link to the document to be shown in other parts of the site, you can add additional meta tags to specify secondary locations for the link. You can use meta tags to specify additional landing pages, including sections of those pages, where the links are shown. You can use meta tags to specify that the link be shown on a landing page widget. You can specify keywords that the search engine associates with the file.

The Create Document Upload form, used to specify the primary landing page and meta tags, features two parts:

  • Document Details: Used to specify the file that you want to upload and the primary landing page in the system where a link to the uploaded file is displayed.
  • Meta Tags: Used to specify the section of the primary landing page where the link is displayed. The tags that determine the uploaded document's location pre-populate based on values you specify in the Document Details portion of the form. You can specify additional meta tags that determine secondary locations and assign key words, used in search, to an uploaded document.

This table shows the types of meta tags that are used in the system. If you see a meta tag key in the system that is not described here, disregard it.

Meta tag key Description
Keywords Used to associate the uploaded document with search terms. For example, to associate the word adoption with an uploaded document, add the keyword meta tag adoption. You can assign multiple key word tags to an uploaded document. To assign multiple key words, separate each with a comma, no space e.g., keyword1,keyword2,keyword3. Keywords must be lowercase. Do not use special characters in keyword names.
Subject Pre-set for the landing page to which you associate the uploaded file.
Section The section number of the landing page to which you associate the uploaded file.
Widget Used to place a link to the uploaded document on the selected widget. For example, to add a link to the Benefits widget, add the benefits meta tag.
  1. Access the document manager.
  2. Click Add New Document > Create Uploaded Document.
  3. Specify this information:
    Document Name
    The name of the link to the document as it displays on the site. The document can be renamed after it has been created.)

    Do not use these characters in the Document Name field:

    / - forward slash

    \ - backward slash

    < - less than

    > - greater than

    | - pipe

    $ - dollar sign

    " - double quotes

    : - colon

    Article Source
    The resource from which the article that the uploaded file is associated with is stored. Options are the library and your portal. The value that you specify in this field determines the articles that are available in the Article field. The best practice is to use the Library option. If your portal includes an uploaded document that has the same settings and meta tags as those that you want to apply to this uploaded document, the best practice is to choose your portal and then select the document from the Article field.

    Here you associate the uploaded document with a page on your site. The article, also known as the page, with which you associate the uploaded document determines these factors:

    a) the primary landing page where a link to the uploaded document is available and

    b) the area on the Site Map the uploaded document is made available to employees.

    When you select an article, the uploaded document is tagged with the same tags that have been applied to the article. So any place on the site where a link to the selected article is displayed, a link to the uploaded document is also displayed. These tags are shown in the Meta Tags portion of the uploaded document.

    When you select an article, the system selects the associated area and displays it in the Area field, directly below the Article field, so you can see the area that is associated with the article before you proceed. For example, if you select Adoption Assistance in the Article field, the Benefits area is selected by the system, and Benefits is shown in the Area field.

    The area in the Document Manager where the uploaded file is saved e.g., Health, Pay. This field is populated when you select a value in the Article field.
    Click Browse then locate and select the file you want to upload.
  4. When you have completed the Document Details portion of the form, turn your attention to the Meta Tags portion of the form. When you select a value in the Articles field in the Document Details portion of the form, the meta tags that determine the locations of links to the uploaded document are pre-populated in the Meta Tags portion of the form.
    The type of meta tag that you want to associate the uploaded document with.

    The specific value that is related to the Key that you selected. Depending on the Key that you selected, this field may be populated with options or it may be a blank text field.

  5. You must specify the section of the primary landing page where the link is shown. Set the Key field to Section and type the page code, an underscore, and the section number, then click Add. For example, type eepolicies_3 to place the link in section 3 of the Employment Policies page. Click Add to add the meta tag. You can repeat this process to add the link to specific sections of additional landing pages.
  6. Review the other meta tags. If you are satisfied with the pre-set meta tags, proceed to step 7. To remove tags, click the X that is associated with the meta tag.
  7. To add a meta tag, set the Key and the Value, then click Add.
  8. When you have added information to the necessary fields and are ready to upload the document, click Create. The document is uploaded and placed in the document list of the organization in the selected Area.
  9. When the process has been completed, close the Create New Document form. After you upload the file, you must apply access and publish it before it will appear on the site.