Process overview: creating and publishing a document

This topic offers a step-by-step overview of the process by which a document is created and published. This topic is intended to provide a wide view of the process. After reviewing this topic, you will have a general idea of how content is added and published. Important details that are related to each step are provided in the various topics within the document.

The process involves three phases:
  • adding a document to the content management system
  • adding and editing content within the document
  • publishing the document to your knowledgebase
  1. Log into the Stage environment.
  2. Determine the location of the new document. The portal uses a navigational structure that is based on landing pages. The landing pages are based on a common human resources taxonomy. Examples of landing pages: Benefits, Careers, Discounts. A Landing Page Planner was provided with the layout of your portal. It lists all the landing pages in your portal. Use the planner to layout your page content before you begin to program pages in the portal. During implementation each content document was mapped to one or more landing pages. Each new document must be added to the library and mapped to a landing page. Each landing page has nine main sections and two sections on the sidebar. The process by which a document is mapped to a landing page is the same for all documents and all landing pages.
    For each new document, you determine these settings:
    • landing page
    • subject
    • section
    • meta tagging strategy
    • source document or related link source document
    • document type: child, copy, or reference
  3. When you have planned your page, click the ellipsis and select Document Manager.
  4. Select Add New Document > Add from Organization.
  5. Specify the document and click Add.
  6. In the library, locate the new document and click Edit to check out the document.
  7. Select Tools > Details
  8. Update the document name and notes, specify the document as accessible to mobile devices if applicable, and click Update.
  9. Select Tools > Access to assign access groups.
  10. To map the page to a landing page, click the menu list beside the page name and select Data Items. This is where you specify the values for the subject and section. In some documents, these values are pre-built.
  11. If you want to change the topic name, click the menu list beside the topic name and select Topic Properties. Specify the names and save.
  12. To add content, click in the content area, add the content, and save. You can format content and add images. When the content is complete, it is time to publish a draft of the document and then check in the document.
  13. To publish the document draft, select Publish > Publish Draft > Stage.
  14. To check the document in, select Check In > Check In. Specify notes and click Save & Check In. Now the document can be viewed in your environment. However, portal users cannot view the document.
  15. Review the document and make changes as required. When you are ready to make the document available to its audience, publish it to Live.
  16. To publish the document to Live, select Publish > Live.
  17. To check the document in, select Check In > Check In. Specify notes and click Save & Check In. Now portal users can view the document.