Pre-built landing page and widget meta tags

Landing pages are delivered with pre-built subject tags and widget tags. Use the widget tags (shown here) to add links to widgets.

If necessary, you can change these tags by editing the value of the Subject data item for a given landing page.

Note: Some of the landing pages with similar content are bundled together onto one widget. For example, Benefits, Discounts, Health & Wellness, Life & Disability, Retirement & Savings, Your Enrollment Process are all bundled together on the Health & Wellness widget.

Use these widget tags when you map content to widgets.

  • Agents - Widget = csr
  • All Forms - Widget = forms
  • Benefits - Widget = benefits
  • Careers - Widget = career
  • Discounts - Widget = discount
  • Employment Policies - Widget = eepolicy
  • Health & Wellness - Widget = healthpg
  • HR - Widget = hr
  • Leaves & Time Off - Widget = leave
  • Life & Disability - Widget = insurancepg
  • Life Events - Widget = events
  • Managers - Widget = manager
  • Open Enrollment - Widget = oe
  • Pay - Widget = pay
  • Performance Management - Widget = perform
  • Recruitment - Widget = recruit
  • Retirement & Savings - Widget = financialpg
  • Safety - Widget = safety
  • Training - Widget = training
  • Your Enrollment Process - Widget = enrollment
  • My Information = myinfo