Document management
To protect documents from being edited by multiple content managers, the toolset uses a check-out feature that prevents more than one user from editing a document. Before you can edit a document, you must check the document out of the library. When you are finished editing, you must check the document in to the library. During the time period when a document is checked out, other content managers cannot check it out and edit it.
- When a document is checked into the library, any user with editing permissions can check it out.
- While the document is checked out, other users cannot check it out and change it.
- When a document is in workflow, users cannot check it out and change it.
- If you check out a document and then decide that you don't want to change it, you can undo the checkout instead of checking the document in.
This set of topics describes management functions that are common to HTML-encoded documents in the system.