Accessing pages so you can edit them

Administrator users who have permission to manage and edit content have access to editing tools. You can access the tools that are required to manage content in two ways:
  • by accessing the document manager
  • by visiting a page and using edit mode

The document manager is a library of documents on the site. It includes pages and files, like PDFs. You can access the document manager and then locate the document that you want to edit. When you locate the document, you can check it out of the library and edit it.

If you are viewing a page that you want to edit, then you can click a button on the toolbar to access that page in edit mode. The page is checked out if it is eligible to be checked out, and you can edit it.

See The Document Manager and Checking out a document.

  1. To access the document manager, select the Ellipses button > Document Manager.
  2. To access edit mode from the page that you want to edit, select the Ellipses button > Edit Document.