Content page configuration
This topic descripes content page configuration. For information about editing content on a content page, see Content editing.
Content page configuration requires these tasks:
- naming the page
- setting the section data item value (See Mapping a content page to a landing page.)
- assigning group access to the page
- adding or removing content areas
A content page displays HCM content that is related to a landing page. This content can include policies, options and forms. For example, a content page called Medical Benefits could be related to the Benefits landing page. Use content pages to communicate specific content and to enable employees to find the information they seek.
Your portal includes pre-built content pages and templates in the system. The pre-built pages are populated with content that you can edit or change. To add a page, you can add a copy of a template to your site and configure its layout and group access. For content pages that are delivered with your portal, the mapping that is used in navigation is pre-set. For content pages that you add, you must configure the data items for the section so that links to the page are placed on the appropriate landing page and in the content page's navigation menu.