Deleting a document
If the objective is to prevent users from using a document that is obsolete and that will never be used again, you can mark the document for deletion, and Infor will delete it. Use this procedure when you want to permanently delete one or more documents from the system. When documents are deleted, they cannot be recovered. When you mark one or more documents for deletion, contact your Infor account manager and request that the delete process be run. When the process is run, the documents are permanently deleted from the system.
- Access the document manager.
- Click the document. If the document is not checked out by another user, the system checks it out. If the document is checked out by another user, you are not permitted to check it out until it is checked in again.
- Select .
- In the Name field, type delete and a space prior to the text in the field. For example, Tuition Reimbursement becomes delete Tuition Reimbursement.
- Click .
- Click .
- In the Assigned Groups menu, select all groups that have access to the document and click UnAssign Group.
- Close the Portal Groups menu.
- Publish each document that you deleted to all environments.
- When you have marked all of the documents that you intend to delete and have removed group access, contact your Infor account manager and request that the delete process be run.