

Changing a document's data items or options.

content area

A piece of content, such as a text passage or link list, that populates a content page. A content page usually has multiple content areas.

content page

A portal page that displays information about a specific topic. This content can include policies, options and forms. Links on a content page can point to other content pages, landing pages, or sites outside of the portal.

deep link

A link from the portal to an outside site.


A unit of content in the content management system. A document can be an entire page or a part of a page, such as a landing page, HTML content, benefit plans, uploaded PDFs, integration links.


A fillable form, usually a PDF, that is hosted on the portal or on an outside website.

home page

The page that is displayed at login. Home pages usually include widgets that link to current or frequently used content.

landing page

A pre-built main page, like Benefits, that has links to content pages that are related by subject. A landing page has up to nine sections in which it organizes links to relevent content pages.

life events page

A specialty page that includes links to other pages in the site. Links to each Life Events page are organized around the page's theme, like getting married or moving. Links to each Life Events page, an image, and a brief description are available in the Life Events main page.

main navigation menu

The drop-down navigation menu that is accessible from any page on the site.

main page

A standard landing page, a benefits page, or a Life Events page.


A portal page that is viewed portal users. A page is created in the toolset with one or more documents.


A user with permission to perform some or all available toolset functions.


A user with permission to edit pages only in work-flows.


The area of a landing page in which you manage content that is relevant to a subset ofinformation that is organized on a landing page.

user group

A collection of users, each of whom share one or more distinguishing characteristics. Portal documents are assigned to groups so that each portal user can access only specific pages based on the groups of which that user is a member.

uploaded document

A PDF, spreadsheet or other file that is added to the portal and attached to a portal document so properties such as group access and meta tagging can be applied.