Analytics and reports
Analytics and reports are tools that administrators use to track portal activity and usage. Most reports can be filtered by time, date range, user group and other factors to hide data that is not necessary to your immediate purpose.
Some reports are available only to users of the content toolset who are assigned the Producer level of permissions. These reports are available at the Document Manager.
Report | Description |
Dashboard | Shows graphs and tables that offer quick-glance information from several reports. Results from the past 12-month period are displayed. |
Usage by Area | Shows the most frequently viewed areas of the portal. Areas are defined by the Infor infrastructure in the Content Management System and in the Postings area to categorize documents. Click to view the login trends by month or a detailed report by each document within an area. Use this report to identify the most popular and least popular areas based on document usage. |
Views By Document | Shows the total number of views per document, the percent of each document's views of total views of all documents, the groups that are assigned access to each document, and other helpful information about each document. Users who have permission to view a document can click the document name to view the document. Use this report to identify the most popular and least popular documents. |
Frequent Searches |
Shows search terms and the frequency with which they have been used during the specified time period or date range. Frequent Searches also shows the top 15 search terms and their percentage of all searches. To view search trends for a search term, select a search term from the Search Terms column. The Search Trends graph refreshes with data relevant to the term. You can scroll to see both graphs. |
Recent Searches | Shows the most recent search terms and the number of results that were generated in the specified time period or date range. Click a search term to view the number of searches per specified time period. Use this report to identify the topics that users are searching for most recently. |
Zero Search Results | Shows the search terms for which no results were returned and the number of times each zero-result term was searched for in the specified time period or date range. You can click a search term to view each search instance of the term and the groups to which the user belongs. Use this report to identify the user base's needs for additional content and access. |
Usage by Month | Shows the total unique sessions recorded over a specified period of time or date range. For example, if a user accesses the site twice, it is counted as two logins. Use this report to monitor monthly traffic volume. |
Usage by Time of Day | Shows site logins by time of day over a specified period of time or date range. Use this report to identify daily patterns of high- and low-traffic. |
User Login | Tracks the dates, times, and success/failure of all user login attempts over a specified period of time or date range. Use this report to find information about specific logins. |
Login Frequency | Tracks the number of logins by user. Use this report to identify users who log in most frequently. |
Feedback Dash | Shows graphs and reports that offer quick-glance information about user feedback. |
Feedback By Document | This report shows the pages for which feedback has been submitted. It includes details about users and responses. |
Site Configuration Audit | This report catalogs the changes to the site. It shows the name and ID of the user who made the change, the type of event, the value as it was before the change and as it is after the change |
Console View | Shows the number and type of responses per document and the last date on which feedback on a document was given. It also shows detailed feedback on each topic within a document, including user name and reason. You can view detailed feedback by locating the name of the document and selecting the | or the or links.
User Account Audit | Shows the names and IDs of users whose accounts were changed, the methods by which they were changed, the users who made the changes, and the date of the change. Use this report to monitor the changes to user accounts. |
Password Change | Shows the names and IDs of users whose passwords were changed, the methods by which they were changed, the users who made the changes, and the dates of the changes. Use this report to monitor changes to user passwords. |
Users by Group | Shows all users that are assigned to each group. This report is used for reviewing and validating group access for users. This report is accessible only to internal users who are members of the EnwisenAdmin group and to client users who are members of the HR and HRAdmin groups. |
Documents by Group | Shows all documents that are assigned to each group. This report is used for reviewing and validating group access for documents. This report is accessible only to internal users who are members of the EnwisenAdmin group and to client users who are members of the HR and HRAdmin groups. |
Groups by Document | Shows all groups that are assigned to each document. This report is used for reviewing and validating group access for documents. This report is accessible only to internal users who are members of the EnwisenAdmin group and to client users who are members of the HR and HRAdmin groups. |
User Details |
Accessible only to internal users who are members of the EnwisenAdmin group. Shows user attributes commonly used to build group rules. This report is used as a resource for personnel diagnosing validation issues with a specific user, including errors within group rules and data associated with the user. The report shows the rule and attributes associated with a specific group. It can then be filtered by attribute and show all users that share a particular attribute. |
Report | Description |
CCT Audit | This report shows document checkout; check in; publishing; and creation of child, sibling, copy and reference documents.. |
Expiring Documents | This report shows the expiration dates of all documents in the system. It is used to keep knowledgebase content up to date. Toolset users can view and manage document expiration dates for multiple documents simultaneously. For example, a toolset user can search for documents with pending expiration dates, then change the expiration dates as required. |