Creating a case with Ask HR

There are three ways to access the Ask HR case form from the knowledgebase. Each method opens a new Ask HR form:
  • select Ask HR on the home page of the knowledgebase
  • use the link in the Ask HR widget that is on the home page of the knowledgebase
  • use the Ask HR button that is available in the upper right corner of the knowledgebase
An user who is creating a case from one of the AskHR features can attach information that can be helpful to describe the issue:
  • An employee can attach a file to the case.
  • A link attaches to the case to reference the page the employee was viewing.
When viewing a case later, an employee can attach more files and add notes to the case. The agents working the case can add notes and attachments that are shown to the employee.
  1. Access the Ask HR form using one of the three methods that are described in the preceding paragraph.
  2. In the Ask HR form, select an option in the Quick Case menu or select a topic in the Topic menu.
  3. Specify this information:
    Quick Case
    If this field is available, you can select an option, which fills in the other fields of the form with pre-configured settings.
    Topic options for the selected population. Pre-populated but editable if a quick case is selected.
    The word that the knowledgebase search engine uses to return knowledgebase pages that may be useful.
    A brief description of the issue, used by the the agent who services the case.
  4. To add an attachment, click Add, select a file, and click Upload.
  5. Click Submit.