Detailed process flow
This page shows the detailed process by which telephony integration works in the application. Telephony integration can help the agent identify the caller and quickly access the caller's case history. It does not automatically open a new case, and it does not show case details of the caller's cases that are in the system. For security reasons, telephony vendors are not allowed access to or control of any case data or case screens, even if access were to be used only to display information to an agent.
- The caller dials the service center.
- The call is forwarded to the telephony vendor.
- The call is received by the telephony vendor.
- The call scripts route the caller to the appropriate available agent, and the listener receives the CallerID and AgentID from the vendor and temporarily saves it for retrieval.
- The call is transferred back to the client.
- The agent answers the call. The recording begins. The recording begins.
- The agent clicks on the button in the directory.
- The CallerID is inserted into the directory search.
- If a CallerID match is found, then the caller's profile is shown. If a CallerID match is not found, then a message indicates no match was found.
- The agent uses the profile to verify the caller's identity. The agent has access to the caller's case history.