Branding the header

The header is an element that includes the page header (usually an image file that contains the company logo), elements that are part of the toolbar, the main navigation, and the breadcrumb feature.

A site can use multiple header brands. In this case, the header can be branded by group, offering various portal looks or brands that are based on group membership. Each brand has a unique name and is associated with branding CSS. One or more groups can be assigned to each brand.

The CSS that is configured in Branding by Group is limited to the header area that is defined in the Layout stylesheet document in the areas of Page Header, Header Toolbar, Main Menu Navigation, and Breadcrumb. CSS configuration for areas that are below the header is defined by stylesheet documents that are configured for the organization. The CSS that is assigned to employee groups will override the CSS for the header only. The best practice is to use neutral or generic CSS below the header to avoid clashing with CSS that is associated with groups that are applied in the header.

Admin users must be careful to avoid cases where users are members of a group or groups when the groups have been assigned different branding CSS. In these cases, a user could be exposed to the incorrect branding.

A group is associated with only one branding CSS configuration. An employee is a member of only one group that has been assigned unique branding CSS configuration.

Note: Branding at the user level is available only for sales demos. Branding by group overrides branding by user for demo users.