
Using the Filer Parameters menu, you can change the horizon of the variation.

The alert values are recalculated based on the new horizon. The new values are compared against the threshold and then displayed in the calendar or Best Opportunities view within the Calendar widget.

Note: The selected variation has no effect on the Summary widget.

The Variations filter is dynamically displayed on the Filer Parameters menu based on the alert type that is selected on Calendar widget.

This filter is not displayed when the Price Decision variation or Revenue Opportunity alert is selected.

The variation horizon can be the previous night audit, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, 7 days ago, 14 days ago, or 28 days ago. These are abbreviated to 1D, 2D, 3D, 7D, 14D and 28D. D0 is available for properties with real time for the variance between current and the last night audit.

Note: When the property does not have real time, D0 option is not available within the Variations filter.