
You can use this part to perform actions for the selected days on the Multi-Day Decision screen.

These elements are displayed:

  • Upload: Click to upload your changes for the selected days.
  • Automate: Click to automate the selected days if the property has automatic uploads enabled.
    Note: If you do not have upload permissions, the Upload and Automate buttons are disabled.
  • Action selection: You can use it to indicate what action you want to apply for the selected days. These are the possible options:
    • Set Price: To set the price to a specific value for the indicated room categories for the selected days.
    • Change Price: To change the price by a specified amount for the indicated room categories for the selected days.
      Note: If you click Set Price or Change Price the price stepper is displayed. You can use it to specify the price modification that you want to apply.
    • Change LOS: To change the LOS for the indicated room categories and rate categories for the selected days.
      Note:  If the LOS restrictions are disabled in the upload, this option is not displayed. If you click Change LOS, an LOS restrictions selector is displayed. You can use it to specify the LOS option that you want to apply.
  • Impact selection: You can use it to indicate to what elements your selected action will be applied.

    If the property has more than one room category, a multi-selection with the name of the room categories is displayed. Click it to select which room categories are included when you apply your selected action.

    If the property has LOS restrictions enabled in the upload, and more than one rate categories are being uploaded, a multi-selection with the name of the rate categories is displayed. Click it to select which rates are included when you apply your selected action.

  • Apply: Click to apply your selected actions on the selected days.