Price Management widget

In this widget, you can define which alerts to be displayed within the calendar.

Here, you can set an alert to track changes in bookings, market price, or changes in the price decision.

The widget is mainly composed of two parts.

Alert types and percentage

On the left side of the widget, you can select one of these alert types:
  • Booking Variation: Changes in the sum of bookings for all room categories today versus yesterday.
  • Market Price Variation: Changes in the market price for the reference room category today versus yesterday.
    Note: If the selected property does not have a competitor feed, the Market Price Variation option is not displayed.
  • Price Decision Variation: Changes in the RMS Price for the reference room category today versus yesterday. The prices used to calculate the variation correspond to the reference room type for the reference room category.
    Note: This alert type is selected by default.
You can define the threshold for the alert using the Alert slider.
Note: You can define a percentage between 0% and 50%. The default threshold is 10%.


The calendar displays the alerts for future dates. It contains red and green circles to indicate if there is an alert on the date or not.
Note: The displayed alerts depend on what you selected in the left side of the widget.
These are the available alert colors:
  • Red circle: When the value of the selected alert decreases by a percentage greater than the value that you selected within the Alert slider.
  • Green Circle: When the value of the selected alert increases by a percentage greater than the value that you selected within the Alert slider.
  • Gray color: When the date has been uploaded.

Example: When you select the Market Price Variation with a 20% threshold, the calendar is updated to indicate on which dates the defined conditions are met. All dates that have an increase in the market price by a value greater than 20% are circled in green. All dates that have a decrease in the market price by a value greater than 20% are circled in red.

You can navigate through the calendar by clicking on these arrows:
  • The rightwards arrow to shift the months and display the next ones.
  • The leftwards arrow to shift the months and display the previous ones.
    Note: Only months with future dates can be displayed within the calendar. The leftwards arrow is disabled when you reach the current month.

You can use the calendar to access these screens:

  • Decision screen: Click a day from the calendar.
  • Multi-Day Decision screen: Click a month from the calendar.