Generating Non Room Item Inventory Move Report

Use this screen to review the inventoried non-room items that must be delivered to or removed from a room for a specified date range.

To generate the non-room item inventory move report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Front Desk > Add On/Non Room Item > Non-Room Item Inventory Move Report.
  2. Specify this information, in the Report Parameters section:
    The property code for which the report is generated. This value is defaulted with the session property.

    You can modify the value.

    Non Room items
    The non-room items code added to the package plans of guest stay.

    You can select multiple non-room items.

    The department that is associated for the non-room item.
  3. Select the Show Comments check box in the Report Options section to include the comments associated with the non-room item.
  4. Specify the Start Date and the End Date in the Date Range field.

    By default, the Start Date and the End Date are set to the Hotel Date.

  5. Click Print Record.

    You can sort the report by Item code, Date and Room.