Generating Hungary invoice extract

Use the screen to create the Hungary invoice extract XML file. The file is normally created on a monthly basis and imported by a third-party system. However, you can specify any dates in the Start Date and End Date and create the extract for the given dates.

Table 1. Hungary Property Parameters
Parameter Type Description Default Value
HIEERRORLEVEL TEXT Hungary Invoice Extract Error Level. The value in this field is used in the HIBAKSZAMA field of the invoice extract. None
HIEPASSWORD TEXT Hungary Invoice Extract Password. The value in this field is used in the HASH field of the invoice extract. None
HIEANYKPGMVERSION TEXT Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Version. The value in this field is used in the PROGRAMVERZIO field of the invoice extract. None
HIEANYKPGMFOLDER TEXT Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Folder. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYINFORMACIO field of the invoice extract. None
HIEANYKMAINVERSION TEXT Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Main Version. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYVERZIO field of the invoice extract. None

To create the extract:

  1. Select Administration > Extracts > Hungary Invoice Extract.
  2. Specify this information:
    Start Date
    Specify the start date. By default, based on the Hotel Date, the first date of the previous month is displayed by the system.
    End Date
    Specify the end date. By default, based on Hotel Date, the last date of the previous month is displayed by the system.
    NOR for all invoices
    If this checkbox is selected, the Tax Invoice Type is extracted for all records with the value NOR.
    Exclude Zero Revenue Invoices
    If this checkbox is selected, the revenues with zero (empty value) total value must be excluded from the created xml.
    Round Invoice Totals
    If this checkbox is selected, the Rounding Method and Rounding Amount fields are enabled. If this checkbox is selected, the total amount of every invoice must be expressed as an integer value.
    Note: The application does not allow any decimal number.
    • If this checkbox is selected, these fields are enabled:
      • Rounding Method: This field is populated with the first value of the Cash Bank Rounding Global Code.
      • Rounding amount: Specify the rounding amount.
    • Based on the available options of Rounding Method, the Gross Amount of the tax invoice must be delivered to the extract.
  3. Click Create Extract to generate the XML extract file. The file is saved at the path specified in the Databridge Partner screen.
  4. Alternatively, you can also create this extract using the Additional End of Day screen, as described below.
  5. Select Administration > Daily Processing > Additional End of Day Processes.
  6. Specify the process name and description. For example, HUNINV.
  7. Specify this information:
    Process Type
    Specify Other Processes.
    Process Link
    Specify HUNINV.
    Specify Active.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Test the extraction either by running EOD or launch it by Administration > Extracts > Hungary Invoice Extract.
    Note: If you use this menu path to start the extract process, you must first run the EOD to see the Additional EOD process of Hungary Invoice Extract in the list on the End of Day Processing page.