Generating Hungary invoice extract
Use the screen to create the Hungary invoice extract XML file. The file is normally created on a monthly basis and imported by a third-party system. However, you can specify any dates in the Start Date and End Date and create the extract for the given dates.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default Value |
HIEERRORLEVEL | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Error Level. The value in this field is used in the HIBAKSZAMA field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEPASSWORD | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Password. The value in this field is used in the HASH field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKPGMVERSION | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Version. The value in this field is used in the PROGRAMVERZIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKPGMFOLDER | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Program Folder. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYINFORMACIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
HIEANYKMAINVERSION | TEXT | Hungary Invoice Extract Anyk Main Version. The value in this field is used in the NYOMTATVANYVERZIO field of the invoice extract. | None |
To create the extract: