Tax Code Mapping for DATEV Extracts

For this extract, only VAT is exported as a Tax Key. Other taxes set up in HMS are exported as posting lines and not as a Tax Key. You must select the VAT Tax check box in the Transaction Code screen, and specify the VAT codes that must be mapped to the DATEV extract, in the FINANCIALACCOUNTINGEXTRACTVATCD parameter. The HMS tax codes and the corresponding DATEV values are:
HMS value DATEV value
0 1
7 2
19 3
Table 1. Property Parameter
Type Text
Description VAT mapping for 3rd party financial accounting system. If more than one VAT code must be mapped, enter the values pipe-separated: PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty-Code| PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty -Code| PMS-Percentage, 3rdParty - Code Example: 0,1|7,2|19,3 means: VAT 0% translates to 3rdParty code 1 VAT 7% translates to 3rdParty code 2 VAT 19% translates to 3rdParty code 3
Value Specify the value
Default None