Generating the market segment report

  1. Select Administration > Report > Marketing and Analysis > Market Segment Report.
  2. Specify this information in the Report Parameter section:

    The code of the property for which the report is generated. This value is defaulted. However, you can modify the value.

    Market Segment
    The code of the Market Segment for which the records are included in the report.
    Note: You can select multiple Market Segment.
  3. Set these parameters in the Report Options section:
    Include No Show and Cancels
    Select this check box to include the records of the guest reservation with No Show and Cancel status in the report.
    Include Day Use
    Select this check box to include the records of the Day Use guest reservation in the report.
    Include Complimentary
    Select this check box to include the records of the Complimentary reservation in the report.
    Include House Use
    Select this check box to include the records of the House Use reservation in the report.
    Include House Accounts
    Select this check box to include a row for the revenue of Account which is not associated with the Market Segment.
    • By default, this check box is selected.
    • The first column of the report is displayed with ‘***’ instead of Market Segment.
    Include Rate Plan Details
    Select this check box to include the details of the Rate Plan for the Market Segment.
    Note: In the Market Segment total section you can view a row for the total of each Rate Plan.
    Report Revenue as Net
    Select this check box to not included the Inclusive taxes in the Revenue columns of the report.
  4. Select the Date Range Basis option. The available options are:
    • Arrival Date
    • Reservation Date
    • Stay Date
  5. Specify the Start Date and End Date in the Date Range section.
    • The application includes records based on the Date Range Basis option for the specified date range.
    • The application defaults this value to the current Hotel Date.
  6. Select Print.