Generating unbilled charges report

Use the Unbilled Charges page to generate a report that displays AR account charges that have not been billed, or invoiced.

To generate the report:

  1. Select Administration > Reports > Accounts Receivable > Unbilled Charges.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the property for which you want to generate unbilled charges report.
    Account Number
    Specify the account for which you want to generate the report of unbilled charges. If you specify the account number, any values in the Account Type and Salesperson fields are ignored.
    Account Type
    Specify the account type for which you want to generate the report.
    Sales Person
    Specify the name of the salesperson responsible for bringing the business. The report includes unbilled charge data for accounts matching the salesperson that you specified.
    Confirmation Number
    Specify the confirmation number for which you want to generate the unbilled charges report.
    Sort By
    Specify the options based on which you want to sort the report data.
    Date Range
    Specify the date range to generate the report of unbilled charges that were posted on or after the Start Date but before the End Date.
  3. Click Print Record to generate the report.