Nationality Statistics Report

This report lists the number of Room Nights, Persons, Adults and Children by nationality or by country of residence. The report will display a section for arrivals and a section for in-house for the specified date range.

You can opt to report the adult and children totals separately or together, and you can opt to include day use rooms. You can sort the report by code or by name.


If TAX_FREE_GUEST application parameter is selected, the report includes the tax statistics per day.

The following are some of the important points to be noted:

  • If printed in Nationality Statistics view, nationality information is displayed. If printed in Country of Residence view, country of residence information is displayed.
  • The arrivals section only includes the guests who are arriving during the date range specified.
  • The in-house section will include the guests that are in house and the guests who are arriving during the date range specified.
  • Only codes (nationality or country of residence) with guest stays to report on will display on the report.
  • If multiple report parameters are entered and at least one value is in conflict with another value, no records will be returned.
  • By default, you can sort the report using Code. However, you can also sort this report using Name.
  • The search logic to determine the Nationality Code value is:
    1. The application first considers the value specified in the Nationality field of the Other Information section on the Guest Profile screen.
    2. If not defined, the value specified in the Nationality field of the Guest Details section on the Guest Stay screen.
    3. If not defined, the value specified in the Nationality field of the Identification section on the Guest Details tab of the Guest Stay screen.
    4. If not defined, the value specified in the Nationality field in the Passport/Visa section is considered.