Understanding room rotation

Room rotation methods are used to give rooms within a property equal usage. Room rotation affects how rooms are displayed in the following areas:

  • Room Assignment
  • Guest Stay
  • Check In
  • Stay Wizard
  • Auto Assign
  • Room Blocking

The application includes two different methods for room rotation:

  • Wear and Tear: This basic room rotation method is used in traditional hotels. Using this method rooms are given a room point for each night of use. There is also the ability to add manual points to move a room up or down in the order of assignment. Rooms with the lowest amount of total room points appear at the top of room assignment selection lists for their room type which facilitates equal occupation of each room minimizing wear and tear. Users are able to select rooms that are not at the top of the list without any special permissions. Room rotation details for each room are maintained in the Room Rotation page where you can reset the manual points, reset the total points, or adjust the manual points to change a room's place in the room assignment list. If there is a tie on total room points, then the system displays the rooms in room assignment lists by the operation sort order, if rooms do not have an operation sort order defined they will display by room number ascending. Room points are assigned during the EOD process before date roll to all rooms with an in-house guest.
  • Owner: This room rotation method is used for condo type facilities that operate similarly to a hotel, but where the rooms are owned by individual people. The owners earn money when their room is rented out. Room rotation for these types of rooms needs to be fair so that all owners have a chance of renting their room. This is done with a point system which is set by the hotel. A point value is assigned for each room by stay type (the guest staying in the room is a guest, a guest of the owner, or the owner). Each time an owner's room is rented, the accumulate points according to the stay type. The rooms with the lowest amount of total room points appear at the top of room assignment selection lists giving them rental preference. If the user bypasses the order, they are prompted and must give a reason. Points are accumulated by point periods (see Configuring point periodsand are awarded by point rules (see Configuring owner room rotation point rules. Points can be added manually, see Working with the room rotation room summary.

It is possible to have both methods in use at a property. The method can be set by the property parameter ROOMROTATIONOPTION, or in the room type's configuration. If the room type has a value, that value is used. If the room type has no value, the property parameter is used. Refer to Property parameters and Creating room types.

Room points for both methods are calculated and awarded during the EOD process.