Maintain room rates by room types

You can use the Maintain Room Rates page to configure the room types that are available to be sold at each property.

To maintain the room rates by room type:

  1. Select Rate and Sales > Pricing > Room Rates.
  2. Click the Room Types tab.
  3. Click the Edit icon corresponding to the room type for which you want to maintain the room rates. The Maintain Room Types page is displayed as a pop-up window.
  4. Specify this information:
    Room Type Code
    The room type code. This is a display field.
    Room Type Name
    Specify the room type name.
    Specify the description of the room.
    Inventory Count
    The number of rooms of the given room type that are in inventory. This is a display field.
    Room Type Category
    The category under which the room type is classified.
    Unit Type
    The additional classification of a room of a specific room type. This classification is mainly used for maintenance activities. Following are the available options:
    • Bath
    • Room
    • Suite
    Min Guests
    The room can be reserved only when the specified minimum number of guests criteria is fulfilled.
    Low Rate Limit
    Specify the lowest possible rate at which the room can be reserved. The rate limit ensures that the room is never reserved at prices that are below the rate that you have specified.
    Apply Dynamic Pricing
    Select the check box to indicate that the rooms that belong to the specified room type are available for dynamic pricing.
    Rollaway Allowed
    Select the check box to indicate rollaway is allowed for rooms that belong to the specified room type.
    Display In CRS
    If you select the check box, the rooms that belong to the specified room type are displayed in the central reservation system.
    Tax Calculation Count
    The code based on which the tax is calculated.
    Bed Type
    Select the type of bed that is available in the rooms of the specified room type.
    Max Guests
    Specify the maximum number of guests who can stay in the room that belongs to a specified room type.
    High Rate Limit
    Specify the highest possible rate at which the room can be reserved. The rate limit ensures that the room is never reserved at prices that are higher than the rate that you have specified.
    If you select the check box, the yield is calculated for rooms that belong to specific room type. To calculate the yield, you must use Revenue Management Controls.
    Crib Allowed
    Select the check box to indicate that the crib is allowed in the room that belongs to the specified room type.
  5. In the GDS Translation section, specify this information:
    Activate for All GDS's (Global Distribution Systems)
    Select the check box to sell the room using Global Distribution System.
    GDS Room Type Code
    The GDS code for the room type.
    GDS Room Type Description
    The GDS description for the room type.
  6. Click Save to save the information that you entered.