Applying booking policies

You can use the Apply Booking Policies menu to apply guarantee, deposit, cancel refund, and cancel fee policies (collectively known as booking policies) by date. You can enforce the booking policies on specific dates or a range of dates. When you hover the cursor over a booking policy, the policy details that are applicable for a given date are displayed in a pop-up window. You can click the policy link in the pop-up window to configure the booking policy.

On days where one of the policies is different from the previous day, a policy change indicator is displayed by the system.

To apply the booking policies:

  1. Select Rate and Sales > Booking Policies > Apply Booking Policies.
  2. Click Set Policies.
  3. In the Set Policies By Date section, specify this information:
    Start Date
    Specify the date from which the booking policies must be enforced.
    End Date
    Specify the date when the booking policy ends.
    Date Pattern
    Specify the pattern based on which the booking policies must be applied. Following are the available options:
    • Full Date Range: Specify the dates for which you want to enforce the booking policies.
    • Day of Week: Select the days for which you want to specify the booking policies.
  4. In the Policy Selection section, specify Guarantee Policy, Advance Deposit Policy, Cancellation Fee Policy, and Cancellation Refund Policy.
  5. Click Save to apply the booking policies.