Adding contact information to an organization profile

You use the Contact Details tab to add additional contacts to an organization profile. Only one contact record can be set to Preferred .The contact information entered on the Record View tab of the organization profile will display as the first record and will be set as Preferred.

You can make a contact a travel coordinator by granting web access which gives the ability to create reservations for the organization using the reservation portal.

To add additional contact information to an organization profile:

  1. Select Profiles > Organization Profiles.
  2. On the List View tab, select an organization profile to work with and click the Contact Details tab.
  3. Click Add Record in the section that you want to add information, then specify the information you require.
    Select to indicate the record as preferred.
  4. In the Contact Details section of the screen, specify the information that you require. The Address, Phone, Email and the Note specified in this section are all set to preferred and are displayed on the Contact Details tab as preferred. See additional details about these fields:
    Web Access
    Select to indicate that the contact is the travel coordinator for the organization and has access to book via the web portal, then specify a User Name and Password.
    Select to indicate that the contact is the preferred contact.
  5. Click Save. The record is added.
    Note: To delete a contact record from an organization profile, select the record to delete from the list and click Remove Record and then Save. A record that is marked as preferred cannot be deleted, you must select another record as preferred first. Double-click a record to bring up a pop-up to modify the record.