Understanding the group rates screen
You use the Rates tab to assign and maintain group rates. Multiple fields and options are available for you to perform tasks associated with rates. Each option uses a separate screen to add rates or view rate details. Once rates are assigned they show in a grid.
The following is a list of fields contained on the Rates tab:
- Rate Plan: Displays the rate plan specified on the group booking record view. You can modify the rate plan.
- Non-Room Bundle: Displays the non-room bundle code attached to the rate.
- Meal Plan: Displays the meal plan code attached to the rate.
- Price Includes Package Items: The field is checked if the rate plan includes package items.
- Rate Cutoff Date: This field is the first date that the Group Rate is not available for delegate reservations. The Group rate is valid up through one day prior to the Rate Cutoff Date.
- Use Bar Rate: Select this check box to use the BAR (Best Available Rates) rates. This field is available when the Application Control parameter Revenue Management Strategy is not set to 0.
- Rate Description: This field is filled with the description of the rate plan specified in the Rate Plan field. You can modify the rate description.
- Shoulder / Cutoff Rate: In this field you can select a rate plan that will be quoted to delegates for stay dates that fall outside the group start date and group end date, or after the rate cut off date has passed.
- Complimentary Rate: In this field you can select a complimentary rate plan that can be quoted to delegates.
- Confidential Rate: You check this option to prevent rates from being printed on the delegate confirmation letters, registration cards and key cards.
- Forecasting Occupancy: In this field you can select the occupancy level to use when calculating rate amounts for reports that forecast revenue. Forecasting reports will use actual occupancy levels of delegate reservations that have been picked up, but will use this occupancy level to forecast rate amounts where a group has remaining blocked rooms that have not been picked up.
- Additional Rate Plan (1-10): Specify the additional rate plans. By default, the field is hidden.
The rate amount information is displayed in a grid and contains the following information:
- Room Type: A row for each room type that is assigned to the group in the Room Types tab.
- Rate Effective Dates: A column for each rate effective period that is titled with the dates.
- Rate Amounts: A column for each occupancy level and a column for each additional adult and child categories your property uses.
You can use the following options to add group rates and have them display in the grid:
- Clicking the button will copy the default rate amounts for the rate plan specified into the grid.
- Clicking the .
- Entering the rate amounts directly into the grid.
You can use the Add Items screen where you can add or delete meal plans, non-room items, and non-room bundles to the rate.
button to display theYou can use the Rate Details screen. In this screen you can view the rate amounts per day by occupancy. The screen also includes identifiers to denote added meal plans and non-room bundles.
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