Copying a group booking

You can create a group booking by copying an existing group booking in two ways:

  • Click Copy Record which copies only the Group Booking Record View.
  • Click Copy Group within the record view of the group booking. The copy group functionality is helpful when creating group bookings for organizations or booking agencies that do repeat business with your property and where the details of a new group booking are usually the same or similar from the last group booked.

The following are the important points related to the copy of an existing group booking using the Copy Group button:

  • You cannot copy Master or Sub Groups.
  • Information from the following tabs is not copied: Auto-Transfer, Delegates, Transportation, Traces, and Events.
  • Information from other tabs is copied to the new group booking with the exception of the following fields: Rate Cut Off, Planned Release Date, and Actual Release Date.
  • Information to copy is limited by the status of the group being copied.
  • Information to copy is limited by the number of nights of the group being copied. If the original group's number of nights is less than the new group, some of the days of the group will not have information and must be modified after the copy is complete. A warning message displayed advising the user to verify the data.

To copy a group booking:

  1. Select Group Sales > Group Booking.
  2. On the List View tab, select a group booking.
  3. Click Copy. The Copy Group screen is displayed.
  4. In the Copy Group section, specify the information that you require.
  5. In the Information to Copy section, specify the information you require. See additional details about these fields:
    Room Types
    Select this option to copy room types. This check box is automatically selected by the system if Block or Rates are selected.

    Select this option to copy rates. If the original group's rate record has more than one rate effective date then Rates checkbox is not available.

    Enhanced Experience
    Select to copy enhanced experience items.
    Select to copy the room block. If the original group has group block override disabled and there are not enough rooms in availability to block you will get a message telling you that one or more days may not have a block. If the original group has group block override enabled and there are not enough rooms in availability you will get a message telling you that you are over booking the house. If the number of nights of the original group is less than the new group the system will block for the number of nights of the original group and a message is displayed that some of the days are not blocked.
    Select to copy the group preferences. If the preferences of the original group are no longer available a message is displayed that one or more of the preferences were not copied.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Review all tabs of the group booking record and modify the information you require.