Managing A/R account payments

You can use the Payment tab to view the existing payments and post new payments. All payments belonging to a property A/R account and which have not been completely applied to invoices are displayed by the system.
Note: For the Czech Republic, the application initiates the fiscal interface when the payment is posted or refunded and the AR Payment Receipt is generated automatically. The value of the property parameter FISCAL must be set to CZ and the UDF Checkbox #5 check box on the Transaction Codes screen must be cleared and the databridge partner for the fiscal interface must be correct. The application modifies the Payment and Batch status. Possible values:
  • Posted: When the payment or batch is posted successfully.
  • Posted with Errors: When only some payments are posted, or the system is offline.
  • Cancelled: When a fatal error occurs during the posting process. The payment is not posted.
  1. Select Account Receivable > Property A/R Accounts/Batch Payment > Payments.
  2. Select a payment transaction.
  3. Click Actions to perform the following operations:
    • Post Payment: Use the Post Payment pop-up for Posting a payment.
    • Distribute Payment: Use the Distribute Payments pop-up to transfer or distribute one or more existing payments to another A/R Account. Search a receiving account and specify the payment that you wish to transfer. A payment that is already distributed cannot be transferred, refunded, or matched to another invoice. If you select a payment that is already distributed, you can use the Distribute Payments pop-up to view the accounts that the payment was distributed to and the amounts that were distributed.
      Note: The aging of the payment is calculated based on the Original Posting Date only if:
      • The CRS application parameter AgingDaysBasis is set to CHARGE.
      • The property parameter ARRETAINPOSTDATEONXFER is selected.
    • Refund Payment: Use the Refund Payment pop-up to refund an existing payment. You can select the Refund Transaction Code from the Refund Transaction Code lookup.
    • Match to Invoices: Use the Match Payments pop-up to manually match payments to invoices on A/R account. You can search for the invoice that must be paid. Specify a value in the Amount to Apply field and the invoice is automatically matched by the system to the payment that you selected. To match the payment to the oldest invoice, you can select Apply to Oldest Invoice check box. Alternatively, you can also match credit invoices as a payment to the debit invoices. If the selected payment has a negative value, the invoices cannot be matched.
    • Auto Post Payment: Use this option to settle open charges/ invoices on the A/R accounts, using the configured credit card.
      • The credit card is utilized for paying the outstanding invoice amounts, when the Auto Payment check box is selected.
      • When the check box is cleared, the Batch Payment process excludes the A/R Accounts.
      • Only the authorized credit cards are considered for payments.
      • When an authorization is not granted for a credit card, the payment is stopped for the selected A/R Account.

      Select the Auto Post Payment check box. The application prompts you to confirm the continuation of the process.

      Click Yes the Auto Post Payment process begins. Click No, the Auto Post Payment pop-up closes and the user can view the calling screen.

      This section below is for a manual payment posting and it not associated to the Auto Post Payment process.

      1. Payment Type: The credit card type used to settle the payment.

      2. Account Name: The A/R account, for which the settlement is made.

      3. Payment Amount: The settlement amount expressed in the specified currency.

    • Un-match Payment: Use the option to un-match the payment from paid invoices.
    • Paid Invoices: Use the Paid Invoice Detail pop-up to view the invoices that are paid by a particular payment. You can The user will also have the ability to ‘Un-Match’ a payment from the list of paid invoices.
    • Print Receipt: Use the Print Receipt option to print the receipts for the payment transaction. If the payment is matched with multiple invoices the application displays a confirmation message. Select Yes to print the receipt with the matched invoices in the detail section. You can print the A/R payment receipt report for Portugal when the ARPYMTRECEIPTREPORT property parameter is set to BJARPR.
    • Print Refund Requisition: If you select a refunded payment record and click the link, the A/R Refund Requisition report is displayed by the system.