Aging configuration
You can use the Aging Configuration page to define the aging periods. Aging periods are the time buckets based on which the accounts are aged. The aging configuration cannot be property specific. Aging will be configured one time and used for all properties.
The application control parameter AgingDaysBasis determines how the accounts are aged. You can define the basis on which the aging is calculated in the . There are two possible values:
- INV: The accounts are aged based on the Invoice date, or the date the invoice is created. The invoice date can be many days after the charge is posted to the account, and is based on the invoicing policy of the property.
- CHARGE(TRAN): The accounts are aged based on the posting date of individual charges that are posted to the account. Often the posting date is the date the charge is direct billed from a folio, or the date a manual charge is posted to an account. When the parameter is set to TRAN, the system calculates aging based on the posting date of the charge and takes the payment information against the charge into consideration. If the AR charge is paid, or partially paid, the amount to age for that charge is reduced.
If the ARAGINGBYLEASESCHEDULEDATE parameter is selected; for lease related invoices:
- Aging is based on lease schedule start date for invoices generated prior to this date.
- Aging is based on AgingDayBasis value for invoices generated after the lease schedule start date.
The following conditions apply to the aging period configuration:
- By default, the time duration for the first aging period that you define is zero.
- You can specify the start days for all subsequent periods only after you create the first aging period.
- You cannot insert a new period between two existing periods.
- You can define ten aging periods.
To define the aging period: