Lease Billing

Use the Lease Billing menu to bill and invoice all leases in Definite or Released, and Completed status that have lease periods with the status of Charges Not Posted or Charges Posted and a lease start date that falls on or between the dates specified. The screen includes the option to bill and invoice the lease charges, bill and invoice incidentals, or both. The Lease Billing Details section includes parameters which allows you to select which lease periods to post lease charges and which to bill for. The list shows a list of attempts of generating invoices.

If an A/R account is over it's credit limit charges are posted. If an A/R account is on credit hold or requires approval it will be skipped in the lease billing process and charges are not posted.

When billing is processed the system:

  • Post lease charges to the lease account if the lease period status is Charges Not Posted.
  • Post a direct bill payment for the lease charges.
  • Post a charge to the A/R account for the lease charges.
  • Generate an invoice for the lease period charge on the A/R account.
  1. Select Front Desk > Lease > Lease Billing. The Lease Billing screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information in the Lease Billing Details section to process or bill the lease:
    Billing Cycle
    The billing cycle pattern to process lease periods of Leases that match that billing cycle.
    Lease Category
    The lease category to process lease periods of Leases that match the lease category.
    Note: The values of this field are defined on the Global Codes screen.
    Bill Lease Charges
    Select this check box to post lease charges to the lease account and generate the A/R invoices on the A/R account.
    Bill Incidental Charges
    Select this check box to bill incidental charges on the guest or lease folio separately from the lease charges. The incidental invoice number is then displayed on the Lease Schedule tab of the associated lease.
    Print Format
    The option to print the Lease bill. Available options:
    • Charge Detail
    • Folio Detail
    • Folio Summary
    • Invoice Summary
    • Transaction Code Summary
    • Transaction Code Summary by Date
    Output Format
    The output format of the Lease bill. By default, the value is set to PDF.
  3. Specify this information in the Lease Billing Details section:
    From Date
    The date from which the lease billing is processed.
    To Date
    The date up to which the lease billing is processed.
    Batch ID
    The ID to view the lease billing details processed for the specified time period.
    Sort Batch By
    The sorting preferences for the batch.
    Sort Invoice By
    The sorting preferences for the invoices.
  4. Click Actions > Process, to complete a message displays that indicates the number of leases billed.
    Note: You cannot use this option if the Lease Period Charge is specified on theLease Configuration screen.
  5. Click Actions > Batch Details to generate and electronically send the invoices. The Invoice/Statement Batch screen is displayed with the selected batch ID in the list.
  6. Click Actions > Lease Billing Preview Report to preview the report.
  7. Click Actions > Process Details to view the details of the lease billing.