Folio Wizard
Use the Folio Wizard screen to move folio postings to the appropriate folio, within a single guest or master account. Once folio postings are moved, the folio balances for the affected folios are updated. You can invoke this screen by clicking Folio Wizard in the following areas:
- The
Folio tab of a guest stay
Note: The option is not available for guest stay records in waitlist status.
- The Folio page of a check-in or check-out in record view.
- Right-clicking a guest stay on the Room Plan screen.
The Folio Wizard screen displays a row header for each folio (guest folio, incidental folio, A/R folio, Folio 4, Folio 5, and the accounting folio) with the postings belonging to each folio grouped below its header. The system only shows a grid of Folio Type codes that are set to Active status in the Global Codes screen.
Note: The guest currency for a folio balance is defaulted based on the selected
rate plan. By default, the value of the Folio Balance in Guest Currency field is displayed
in property currency.
The following are the main activities that you can carry out on the page:
- Click on a row header and sorts the results of that folio by ascending order and then descending order if the header is clicked again.
- Select a folio posting and drag it to another folio.
- Select multiple folio postings by pressing the CTRL key or Shift key and clicking on the postings to move.
- Hover over the Folio Has Settlement icon to view settlement details.
- You can click the Post Charges window. icon to post charges directly, for the selected folio type, using the
- You can click the Post Payment window . icon to post payment directly, for the selected folio type, using the
- You can click the Payer window, for the selected folio type. When the Separate Tax Invoice check box is selected for a Pending line on the Tax Invoice tab the application opens separate Payer window for each payer. icon to add or modify the payer details, using the