Joining a share

Joining a share enables you to add existing guest stay reservations to a share. In-house guests who join a share are checked out of their existing room and moved to the room being shared. However, you can choose to defer the guest move until a later time if necessary.

To join a share:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.
  2. On the List View tab, select the guest stay record to work with and click the Share tab.
  3. Click Join Share.
  4. In the Share With Details section, specify this information:
    Confirmation Number
    Specify the confirmation number for the existing guest stay. The Stay, Market Details, Associations, Additional Booking Agencies, Guest, and Guarantee sections are populated with the information from the guest stay.
    External Share ID
    Optionally, specify a share ID from another reservation system as necessary.
    Select to indicate that the selected guests is the primary account in the share. Only one guest can be designated as primary for a share.
    Share Rate
    Select to include the guest in the rate percentage distribution for the share. Share rate is selected by default. Unselecting Share Rate will clear the specified Share Percent and will not include the guest in the distribution of the costs based on the share percentages.
  5. Click Save. The Share Summary is updated with the share information.
    Note: In some cases, a confirmation message is displayed in the message bar clarifying an aspect of the guest stay share asking you whether to continue. Click Yes to continue with the operation and close the message bar, or click No to cancel the operation.