Creating guest reservations

Create guest reservations to establish a record of a guest stay for a given date and a given period of time. The guest stay record is associated with a guest folio for accruing charges to the guest account and settlement details to establish payment arrangements for the guest stay. A guest stay begins with a guest reservation, which can be created in advance, or can be created at any time for walk-in guests.
  • If you are updating an existing guest reservation, not all fields are available for update. If a field in the Stay section is updated, you must click CHECK AVAILABILITY to ensure that the options are available.
  • When a rate plan that has auto transfer rules is added to a guest reservation, the rate auto transfer rules are copied to the Guest Stay > Auto Transfer Rule tab.
  • If the Lease reservation is created for one day, the application extends the length of stay by 1 day and the Status of the Guest Stay is set to In-House.
  • The Welcome text is displayed only if the Welcome Message is configured on the Property Configuration screen.
  • The Deposit Declined check box is cleared when a reservation is duplicated.

To create guest reservations:

  1. Select Front Desk > Guest Stay.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Specify this information in the Stay section:
    Arrival Date
    Specify the arrival date. By default, the hotel date and the day of the week is displayed.
    Specify the number of nights of the guest's stay. This field is required; however, you can bypass this field and instead specify the departure date, and the system will calculate the number of nights for you.
    Departure Date
    Specify the departure date. The default date is the hotel date + 1 day. The day of the week is also displayed.
    Specify the number of adults. Options are 1 - 9. The default value is 1.
    The number of children.
    • Where only one child category is active, the number of children is recorded in the Children field. If more than one child category is active, each category is a field on the screen and the Children field is filled with the combined total of all the categories.
    • You can click the Enter Child Ages option to specify the age of each child.
    Rate Plan
    Specify the rate plan. If the rate plan is in a foreign currency, the amounts are still displayed in the property currency. A rate plan establishes the basis for which room charges are made, and includes the rate, which is the basic charge for a room, as well as any amenities that are included with the basic charge. For example, a rate plan includes the room charge and three meals, while another rate plan includes the charges for the room accommodations only. The default value is determined by the setting for Rate Plan in the Property Defaults section of the Property page.
    • Clicking the rate plan lookup displays the Rate Plan Selection window, where you can enter a search criteria. The search criteria includes rate plans, currency, room types, room type categories, sales strategy, and also enables you to ignore restrictions that would exclude certain rate plans from the search.
    • If the rate plan has a tax status specified, this tax status is populated for the group booking.
    • You can view the Rate Plan icon next to the Rate Plan field to indicate that the rate plan code or the rate amount is modified for the reservation.
    Group Rate Plan
    Specify the rate plan if there is a group for which the end date is equal to or greater than the Hotel Date.
    Confidential Rate
    Select this check box if the guest rate is confidential. When selected the rate will not print on guest forms and front desk reports. If you select the Hide Confidential Rates check box on the User Groups page and the Confidential Rate check box is selected, the rate amount fields are hidden by the system.
    Expedia Hotel Collect
    Select this check box to notify staff that the reservation was booked via Expedia and the hotel should authorize and charge this credit card as it would for any other guest stay. Expedia will invoice the hotel for the Expedia portion of the rate. This check box is typically set on reservations made through the Expedia interface.
    Non Room Bundle
    The Non Room Bundle field is automatically populated by the selection of the Rate Plan.
    Meal Plan
    The Meal Plan field is automatically populated by the selection of the Rate Plan.
    Resort Fee
    Specify the resort fee code.
    • The resort fee is charged based on the Rate Plan applicable for the day.
    • The RESORTFEESTAYDATE property parameter must be selected on the Property Configuration screen – Parameters tab.
    Exchange Rate
    The exchange rate used to calculate the amount. The application displays the rate based on the exchange rate selected for the reservation.
    Exchange Rate Locking Type
    The locking type for the exchange rate applied to the reservation, based on the value of the Lock Exchange Rate field on the Property Configuration screen.
    Ignore All Restrictions
    Select this check box to ignore restrictions; for example, restrictions such as blackout dates or length of stay requirements.
    External Reference
    The code of the external reference system. The value configured in the property parameter CRSCODEINSERTID is defaulted.
    Note: You must click the External Confirmation icon to view the external confirmation numbers of the reservation on the External Confirmation window.
    Room Type
    Specify the room type. The default value is determined by the setting for Room Type in the Property Defaults section of the Property page.
    • The room type must be in inventory for the guest stay duration.
    • You must select a room type for which the Run of House check box is not selected in the Room type screen.
    • You can click room type to upgrade the current Room Type on the Upsell Room Typescreen. Based on the selected Room Type, the application updates the Room Type to Charge field and adds the Upsell Add-Onto the reservation with the Avg Daily Upsell Value, Upsold From Room Type and Upsold To Room Type fields. The room number is assigned automatically when the status of the reservation is pre-registered and the property parameter REQROOMPREREG is selected. The application utilizes the rate plan and room type to determine the configuration to use and calculate the recommendation. Criteria for evaluation:
      Scenario System Action
      Reservation has multiple rate plans Applies the first rate plan of the stay that is associated to an active Upsell configuration.
      Reservation rate plan is not associated to an Active Upsell Configuration Applies the active default upsell configuration
    Click the Room Assignment button to assign the room.
    Room PIN
    The code that allows the guest to access the room. The code is created after the key generation process is complete and is displayed in this field. The code is printed on the invoice.
    Do Not Move
    Select this check box to indicate that the guest reservation should not be moved to another room.
    Do Not Move Reason Code
    Specify the code in case you select the Do Not Move check box. If the REQUIREDONOTMOVEREASON check box is selected in the Property Parameter screen, you must specify the reason code in order to apply the do not move restriction to the guest reservation.
    Tax Status
    Specify the tax status of the guest. If a group or profile (guest, organization, or booking agency) is added to the guest stay, the system will update the tax status with the group's or profile's tax status. If a group or multiple profiles are being added, the tax status of the group or first profile added will be used. If a lease is being associated, the tax status of the lease will be used. If a tax status is copied from a profile that is not valid for the property, a message will display indicating the tax status should be updated with a valid tax status for the property or removed. Once the tax status is set on a guest stay, the system will not update it. If the reservation is for the virtual room, then the Tax Status is updated based on the tax applicable for the virtual building as configured in the Building tab of theProperty Configuration screen.
    Guest Currency
    Specify the guest currency. The default value is determined by the setting for currency in the Operations Details section of the Property page. If the rate plan is not in the property currency, this field is disabled and set to the currency of the rate plan by the system. If the rate plan is in property currency, this field is enabled and set to the property currency by the system.
    • If the SECONDCURRENCYSHOWN property parameter is selected on the Parameter screen, this field is set to the same currency type.
    • You cannot modify this value.
    Reservation Note
    Specify any notes to the front desk staff regarding the reservation.
  4. Click Check Availability. The rate and room type selection is temporarily held and the following fields are populated: Average Nightly Rate, Total Rate, Rate Tax, Rate Grand Total, Enhanced Experience Total, Average Nightly, Total, Tax, Total Charges, Total Payments, Grand Total, Guest Total, Guest Tax, Guest Total with Tax, Rate Reason, and Market Segment. You can change the market segment. If the rate plan changes, the market segment is not changed automatically by the system.
  5. Alternatively, click Package Item Availability to view the availability of the non-room items.
  6. Specify this information in the Market Details section of the screen. The Source of Business, Reason for Stay, Track, and Geographical Code fields also exist on group bookings, booking agency profiles, and organization profiles and will copy to associated reservations. The value in the Authorization Code field is masked if the property parameter MASKCOMPAUTHCODE is selected. The copy order is controlled by the MARKETFILEDSCOPYORDER property parameter. See additional details about these fields:
    The channel. The default is Hospitality Management Solution.
    Source of Business
    The Source of Business and Market Segment are updated if there is no lease associated. You can change the market segment on the guest stay record. If the rate plan changes, the application does not modify the market segment automatically. If you update the booking agency on an existing reservation the application does not modify the market segment.
    Market Segment
    The global code definition of Track, allows the Track to be categorized based on Market Segment. More than one Track code can be grouped under a single Market Segment category.
    Select the track code that must be associated to the reservation.
    Note: You can create and modify the track codes using the Create Track Code.
    Reservation Template
    The code and description of the existing or new reservation template. You can also review the details of the selected reservation template using the Reservation Template detail option.
    • If the reservation status is set to New or Reserved, the application defaults these values from the selected reservation template:
      • Reservation Template Code
      • Rate Plan
      • Track
      • Source of Business
      • Secondary Source
      • VIP Code
      • Comp Authorization Code
    • Based on the selected reservation template, this information is also defaulted on the different HMS screen for the reservation:
      • Comp Templates are added to the Comp Configuration screen.
      • Auto Transfer Templates are added to the Auto Transfer tab of the Guest Stay screen.
      • Add on items and Add on bundles are added to the Add On screen.
      • All coupons or coupon pages are added to the Coupon tab of the Guest Stay screen.
      • The application must validate the Authorization Code used for comp configuration with the approved authorizers for the offer billing profile. If the authorization code is verified, the Comp Authorizer field is populated in the Guest Stay screen. However, when an offer is selected for Pechanga the Authorization code is not required as Comp Department is populated based on the Comp Type.
    • The application displays this message Reservation template not available for reservation stay dates, if the reservation date does not match to the reservation template.
    • The user is allowed to modify or add new comps, coupons, or add on’s associated with the original reservation template and can save this new data on the Guest Stay screen.
    • If the reservation template is associated to an amenity, the amenity details are defaulted on the Amenity tab.
    Offer ID
    The unique identification value of the Reservation Template or Comp Template.
    Note: For the created reservation, if the specified Offer ID does not have any comps associated to it , the application creates the comp configuration record.
  7. Specify this information in the Associations section:
    The name of the Organization Profile associated with the guest stay.
    • You must click Organization Search to search and view the external organization profiles from an external partner system.
    • You can specify Organization Name or External Organization ID in the Organization Search window.
    Specify the group profile. The Arrival Date field is set to the Group Start Date if a Group is selected from the lookup.
    Group Auto Transfer Rule Type
    Specify the group auto transfer rule type.
    A/R Account
    Specify the account receivable (A/R). If you add an organization or booking agency that is linked to an AR Account, the system automatically adds the AR account. The A/R Status and Paperwork Required fields are automatically populated by the selection of the A/R Account. If you click Create A/R Account, a Create A/R Account pop-up is displayed. Specify the information that you need to create a new A/R account. An A/R account is created with the Requires Approval check box selected. The A/R account number is displayed in the A/R Account Number field.
    Billing Reference
    Specify the billing reference.
    Originating Booking System
    The name of the external booking system for the OTA (Online Travel Agency) to directly bill the charges.
    Note: The application defaults the value if the A/R Account is linked to a booking system.
    Originating Confirmation Number
    The confirmation number of the booking system.
    Specify the lease.
    Primary Booking Agency
    Specify the primary booking agency for the guest reservation. The Booking Agency Contract field is automatically populated by the selection of the Primary Booking Agency.
    Commission Percent
    Specify the percentage of the guest revenue to be paid to the primary booking agency for the guest stay as necessary. Commissions and commission percentages are established for booking agencies on the Booking Agency Profile screen. If Pay Commission is selected and a Commission Percentage are specified on the booking agency profile, then Commission Percent is automatically populated.
    IATA Number
    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) number of the Primary Booking Agency. This value is populated automatically if the Primary Booking Agency is specified.
    Commission Flat Amount
    Specify the flat rate commission to be paid to the primary booking agency based on the guest stay. The value is automatically populated if the Commission Flat Amount field on the Booking Agency Profile screen contains a value.
    Note: The Commission Percent and Commission Flat Amount values are defaulted from the Rate Plan screen.
    Associated Reservation Name
    This field displays the name of the guest who is the associated reservation coordinator. The associated reservation coordinator name is displayed for each reservation that is part of the set of associated reservations. You can change the associated reservation name to be more descriptive, such as Smith Family Reunion. The Associated Reservation look up is always disabled. The look up is for information only and you cannot use it to add an associated reservation. If you cancel or reinstate an associated reservation, the reservation is still marked as associated. Also, if the coordinator reservation is cancelled or reinstated, the reservation is still marked as the coordinator.
  8. Specify this information in the Additional Booking Agencies section:
    Booking Agency
    Specify up to two additional booking agencies associated with the guest stay.

    The EXTERNALTALOOKUP Property Parameter must be selected to enable the External Booking Agency lookup option.

    Commission Date Range
    Click this to access the Commission Date Range screen. The data related to guest reservation with commission changes for the stay is displayed. The records provide details of the Commission Percent and Commission amount of the commission changes.
    Note: This option is displayed if the Commission Percent and/or Flat Amount is available for the guest stay or group booking.
    Commission Percent
    Specify the percentage of the guest revenue to be paid to the additional booking agency for the guest stay as necessary. Commissions and commission percentages are established for booking agencies on the Booking Agency Profile screen. If Pay Commission is selected and a Commission Percentage are specified on the booking agency profile, then Commission Percent is automatically populated.
    Commission Flat Amount
    Specify the flat rate commission to be paid to the additional booking agency based on the guest stay.
    Note: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) number of the Booking Agency is populated automatically if the Booking Agency is specified. The Primary Booking Agency Commission Percent or Flat Amount is populated based on the Rate Plan’s commission values.
  9. Specify this information in the Guest section:
    1. Specify the Caller.
    2. Click Guest Search to find an existing guest profile as necessary. If an existing guest record is located, the Guest section is populated with the existing information for the guest. If one is not found, specify the following:
      External Loyalty Member Search
      Select the loyalty member to retrieve the guest details.
      YTD Loyalty Nights
      The number of nights the guest has stayed for the selected rate plan in the current calendar year.
      Personal Number
      The unique identification number of the guest.
      Reserved Loyalty Nights
      The number of nights the guest has booked for future nights in the calendar year.
      Total Loyalty Nights
      The total number of nights that is the sum of the YTD Loyalty Nights and the Reserved Loyalty Nights.
      • The application populates these values if:
        1. A value is specified for the Property Parameter LOYALTYMEMBERRATEPLAN.
        2. The rate plan associated with the reservation is the same as the parameter value.
      • To calculate the stay dates, the reservations with status In-house or Checked-out are considered. The stay date must be the same as or later than the current hotel date.
      Alternate First Name
      Specify an alternate first name of the guest.
      Alternate Middle Name
      Specify an alternate middle name of the guest.
      Alternate Last Name
      Specify an alternate last name of the guest.
      Alternate Title
      Specify an alternate title of the guest.
      Alternate Suffix
      Specify an alternate suffix of the guest.
      Auto Email Folio
      Select this check box to automatically email the folio to the guest when the folio is generated. If Auto Email Folio is checked, E-mail Address is required.
      VIP Level
      The VIP level of the guest.

      If the VIP level is associated to an amenity, the amenity details are defaulted on the Amenity tab.

      Invited for Online Check-in
      Indicates if the invite letter is sent for online check-in. The OnlineCheckInJob job schedule selects this check box.
      Invited for Online Check-Out
      Indicates if the invite letter is sent for online check-out. The OnlineCheckInJob job schedule selects this check box.
      Specify the guest's language.
      Specify the guest's gender.
      Loyalty Number
      Click Loyalty Member Search icon. The Loyalty Member Search screen is displayed. Specify this information:
      • Loyalty Number
      • Birth Date
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      Click Search to view the available record details. Select the record and click OK. The application populates:
      • Loyalty Number
      • Loyalty Level
      Specify the identification document provided.
      Create Inactive Profiles
      This field is set when creating a reservation for a group that has the option checked and cannot be changed.
      Specify the branch of the armed forces to which the guest belongs to. For example, Air Force, Navy, Army and so on. This field is used by US Military only.
      Specify the rank of the guest. This field is used by US Military only.
      Pay Grade
      Specify the pay grade of the guest. This field is used by US Military only.
      Specify the guest rating. The guests are limited to room types within their rating. This field is used by US Military only.
      Loyalty Level
      Specify the guest's loyalty level.
      Specify whether the guest has a vehicle.
      Enroll Player
      Click Enroll Player to enroll the casino player in the Casino Management System (CMS) by sending a message with the profile details. If the profile for that player does not exist in HMS yet, the profile is created by the system when the player number is returned from CMS.
      Player Number
      The player identification number as assigned by an integrated casino management system.
      Player Rank
      Specify the player rank. If the property parameter CMSINTG is selected, the Casino Management System (CMS) integration is enabled. If the CMS is enabled, the rates are quoted by the system based on player rank code.

      If the player rank is associated to an amenity, the amenity details are defaulted on the Amenity tab.

      Player Card Level
      The level associated with the player. This value is defaulted with the value specified in the comp calculator field based on the pre-configured customer/partner interface.
      Turndown Time
      Specify the time to prepare the turndown service on the guest room. A turndown is a housekeeping service that typically involves the replacement of soiled bathroom linens and preparing the bed for use for the night.
      Cleaning Time
      Specify a specific time for the guest room to be cleaned by housekeeping.
      Tax Id
      Specify the guest's tax identification number. Tax invoicing features are enabled or disabled for properties based on the setting of the TAXINV property parameter. For information on TAXINV, see

      Property parameters. For information on tax invoicing Tax invoices.

      Twitter ID, Facebook ID, Trip Advisor ID, ID
      Specify the guest's social media ID.

      Refer to About social media fields.

      Guest Image
      This guest image is defaulted for the auto generated profile ID from the Guest Profile screen. Use Image Update button available in the Guest Profile Screen to upload the image for the guest profile
      If this check box is selected, the guest is identified as a Non-Registered Guest for the Hotel. The NRG is used as a prefix before a guest’s last name.
      • The information related to this guest is not disclosed.
      • The application prompts you to confirm the creation of an NRG guest when the check box is initially selected and then Saved.
      Select this check box to display the alias name and not the primary name. The incognito functionality is enabled when the guest stay record is saved.
      • The NRG check box is selected.
      • The Alias name can be specified on the Guest Profile screen and is defaulted in the guest stay, however, the Alias Name can be updated from Guest Stay.
      • Adding or updating the Alias Name on Guest Stay does not update the Guest Profile.
      If this check box is selected, the primary guest is designated as a VVIP.
      e-Invoicing Partner ID
      A unique identification code to identify the e-Invoicing Partner.
      Codice Fiscale
      A unique identification number for the guest from Italy.
      Note: This value is defaulted in the Tax ID field on the Tax Invoicing tab.
      Email Marketing Opt In
      If this check box is selected, the marketing offers are mailed to the guest.
      VVIP Host
      Select the VVIP Host code to view the VVIP guest details. This field is defaulted with the value as set in the VIP Authorization field in the Users Screen.
      1. The user is authorized to view the record details for the VVIP guest (based on these configurations):
        • Property Parameter VVIP is selected in the property parameter screen.
        • The VVIP check box on the Guest Stay record must be checked for atleast one record.
        • User VVIP Authorization must be set to Yes in the User Group screen.
        • User VVIP Authorization must be set to Host and user is the VVIP Host configured on the selected Guest Record.
      2. The user is not authorized to view the record details for the VVIP guest:
        • User VVIP Authorization must be set to No in the User Group screen.
        • User VVIP Authorization must be set to Host but the user is not the VVIP Host configured on the selected Guest Record.
        • User VVIP Authorization is not specified in the User Group screen.
      3. The Split view and Record view for the guest reservations are masked if a user is not authorized to view the profile.
      4. The guest details fields are displayed as “*****”, if the user has no VVIP authorization.
      Guest Opt-In
      Select these check boxes based on the guest’s consent on the Registration card.
      Note: The existing reservation information associated with the Guest Profile ID is updated, if the guest status is Reserved, Pre-Register, In-House, or Waitlist
  10. Specify this information in the Guarantee section:
    Note: When the property parameter ADTAXINV and DEPSIST are selected, click Advance Depositicon next to Deposit Received field to display Account – Advance Deposit tab. After the successful payment, the application displays Advance Deposit Distribution screen. See Distributing advance deposits
    Guarantee Type
    Specify the guarantee type. The selection of the Guarantee Type automatically populates the Deposit Due Date and Deposit Amount. The Deposit Received is populated from the advance deposit amount received by the property.
    • To post an advance deposit, the Guarantee Type must be set to Advance Deposit.
      • The user must also have the booking policy defined and applied as advance deposit.
    • To generate the tax invoice from the Advance Deposit tab you must select the Show Invoice option from the Action menu. The Tax Invoicing functionality must be enabled for the property and the property parameter TAXINVATPAYMENT must be selected.
    • You can rest the pointer on the Deposit Schedule icon to view deposit schedule details, such as Rule, Due Date, and Amount.
    • You can also view the Deposit Schedule icon if Guarantee Type is set to Deposit.

    The system uses the current exchange rate to convert the foreign currency amount to the property currency amount for deposit calculation.

    If the exchange rate is locked, the system uses locked exchange rate to convert the foreign currency amount to the property currency amount to facilitate deposit collection.

    If a Group, Organization, Booking Agent, or Lease is associated that has a Guarantee Type set, the Guarantee Type is set based on precedence order: Lease, Group (Delegate Guarantee), Organization, Booking Agent.

    Card Transactions
    If the property parameter CARDTRANS is enabled, the Card Transactions button is displayed. Click Card Transactions to view the payment information associated with the card.
    Card Type
    Specify the card type. Click Search to search for an existing credit card associated with the guest. If an existing credit card is found, the Card Number, Expiration Date, Name on Card, and Owner are automatically populated. If one is not found, specify the following:
    Save to Profile
    Select to save the guarantee card information to the Billing Profiles tab of the Guest Profile screen.
    Deposit Declined
    Select this check box to indicate the amount deposited for the reservation is rejected.
    • Click Search to select from existing credit cards associated with the guest. Click Modify to edit the current guarantee information. You can also click New to enter a new credit card as the guarantee method.
    • To post an advance deposit, the Deposit and Cancellation Fee policies must be defined and applied to the rate plan. When all the required values are specified, click Post Advance Deposit to save the reservation.
  11. Specify this information in the Settlement section :
    Note: If a guarantee credit card exists, click Copy from Guarantee. The settlement card details are populated from the guarantee credit card.
    Settlement Type
    Specify the settlement type.
    Save to Profile
    If this check box is selected, the settlement information is saved to the Billing Profiles tab of the Guest Profile screen.
    No Post
    If this check box is not selected, all postings from any source such as interface outlets, posting directly on the folio, fast post, EOD and auto-transfers, are allowed.
    If the check box is selected, the following postings are allowed:
    • Posting directly on the Folio
    • Posting by EOD.
    Post All Charges
    If this check box is selected, you can post all future charges to the guest account. This checkbox is displayed when ALLOWADVANCECHARGEPOSTING parameter is enabled.
  12. Set the value, in the Outline Color field, to a specific color in the Guest Stay Reservation section to highlight the room(s) booked for a reservation on the Room Plan, Room Assignment, Room Availability, and Room Blocking screens.
  13. Click Save Record. The Confirmation Number is assigned and the status is updated to Reserved. A number of icons are also displayed in the guest stay header that provide information about the guest and that enable you to access additional system features and functions associated with the guest. If there is an issue preventing the guest reservation from being saved, a message is displayed in the message bar indicating the reason. Click the appropriate button to close the message bar and address the issue before continuing.
    • If you are creating a reservation for a walk-in guest and want to:
    • You can use the options in the Activities (Action) to access Activity related screens:
      • Book Activity: To access the Book Activity screen.
      • Activity List: To access the Activity Booking List screen.
      • Calendar View: To access the Activity Booking Calendar screen.
      • Activity Lookup: To access the Activity Lookup screen.
      • Click Actions > Remove Guest Profile Information icon to permanently delete the guest profile. In case the guest profile is associated with an Event Master with status Prospect, Tentative, Definite or Active, you cannot remove the profile.
      • Click Actions > Restrict Guest Profile Information icon to restrict the guest profile in accordance with GDPR compliance. If required, the restriction can be revoked.
        • You cannot restrict a guest profile in case the profile is associated with:
        • A reservation with status set to In-House, Reserved, Waitlist or Pre-Registered.
        • An unsettled Guest Account linked to a cancelled reservation.
        • An active lease as contact information.
        • An Activity Booking with a date later than or same as the Hotel Date.
        • A Guest Profile Account or Guest Account status set to Active, Pending, or Closed and if an invoice with Pending status exists for at least one of the accounts.
        • A Guest Profile Account or Guest Account status set to Active, Pending, or Closed and the Folio balance is not zero.
        • An Event Master with status set to Prospect, Tentative, Definite or Active.
      • To restrict a guest profile, you must:
        • Cancel all reservations and activity bookings manually.
        • Settle all advance deposits, invoices, and folios manually.
        • Change all lease details status of guest profile account manually.
        • Cancel or complete all Event Masters manually.