Viewing property availability

The Property Availability screen displays a detailed summary of room availability information for a property, including the number of rooms available, number of rooms sold, and total number of rooms.

The following information is displayed both as numbers and as the percentage of total rooms:

  • Rooms Available: The number of rooms that are available and can be reserved for the guests.
  • Rooms Sold: The number of rooms that are already reserved for the guests and group blocks.
  • Total Rooms: The total number of rooms that are available in the property.

The All Channels' Remaining Allocation is the sum of all channels' remaining room count.

To view property availability:

  1. Select Front Desk > Availability > Property Availability.
  2. View the property availability summary as necessary. Click the Scroll Left and Scroll Right buttons or use the interactive calendar to select the dates for which you want to view the room information.