Viewing rate plan availability

You can use the Rate Plan Availability page to view the rate plans for the rooms that are available on the given dates. The rooms are grouped based on the room type and belong to the given property. The data such as currency, number of rooms available, rate plans, is displayed.

Left-click on a date to create a guest reservation from the following screens:

To search for the rate plan availability:

  1. Select Front Desk > Availability > Rate Plan Availability.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, specify this information:
    Room Type
    Specify the room type for which you want to view the availability information.
    Length of Stay
    Specify the duration of stay for the guest.
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    Rate Plan
    Specify the rate plan. The information is displayed for the room type with the specified rate plan.
    Sales Strategy
    Specify the sales strategy to view the rate plans and room types associated with the selected sales strategy.
    Show Available Only
    Select the check box to view the availability information for the rooms of the specified room type, irrespective of the dates that you have specified.
    Start Date
    The date starting from which the room and plan availability information must be displayed.
  3. Click Search to view the data based on the search criteria that you specified.
    Note:  If the property is over-booked, the negative availability is displayed in red color.
  4. In the Availability Details section, this information is displayed when you click on any of the room details:
    Property: The total number of rooms in the entire property that are available on a given date.
    Room Type: The number of rooms of a specific room type that are available, irrespective of the dates that you have specified.
    Transient Sold
    Property: The number of rooms that are reserved for the guests who are staying for a short duration.
    Room: The number of rooms of a specific room type that are reserved for guests who are staying for a short duration.
    Group Sold
    Property: The number of rooms that are part of a group block.
    Room: The number of rooms of a specific room type that are part of a group block.
    Property: You can set up the allocations for a property based on room types or dates in the Rates and Sales > Revenue Management > Room Type Allocation > Availability Management page.
    Room Type: The allocation for each room type that you have set up in the Rates and Sales > Revenue Management > Room Type Allocation > Availability Management page .
    Sellable Inventory
    Property: The sellable inventory for a property is calculated based on the following formula: Sellable Inventory = Physical Inventory - Out of order - Out of Inventory + Overbooking
    Room Type: The sellable inventory for a room type is calculated by the following formula: Sellable Inventory = Physical Inventory of a room type - Number of Out of order rooms of a specific room type - Number of Out of Inventory rooms of a specific room type + number of Overbooking of rooms of a specific room type.
    Inventory Adjustments
    Property and Room Type: Inventory adjustment is calculated by the following formula:

    Inventory adjustment = Out of Inventory + Out of Order – Over booking

    Out Of Order
    Property: The number of rooms for which the work orders with a specific reason code, are present in the system.
    Room Type: The number of rooms of a specific room type for which the work orders with a specific reason code, are present in the system.
    Out Of Inventory
    Property: The number of rooms for which the work orders with a reason code different than the Out of Order, are present in the system.
    Room Type: The number of rooms of a specific room type for which the work orders with a reason code different than the Out of Order, are present in the system.
    Property: This is the number of overbooking that is allowed for a property.
    Room Type: The number of overbooking allowed for a specific room type.
    Physical Inventory
    Property: The total number of rooms that are present in the property.
    Room Type: The total number of rooms of a specific room type.
  5. In the Rate Plan section, you can see the number of rooms for a specific rate plan that are available, already reserved for guests and the number of rooms that are allocated.